NanoAndMore 横向-(xy)-校准标准 (2D200)200 nm 间距精确横向校准的标准产品描述标准(2D200)用于对 AFM 扫描机制进行非常精确的 xy 校准。该标准由蚀刻到硅芯片中的具有 200nm 间距的倒置方形金字塔的二维晶格组成。有源区位于芯片的中心,四周是 FindMe 结构。倒金字塔的格子构成了活动区域。硅芯片粘在直径为 12 毫米的不锈钢样品架上。该支架可
Cantilever: F: 70 kHz C: 2 N/m L: 240 µmApplications: Non-Contact / Soft Tapping Mode AFM ProbesForce Modulation (FM) AFM ProbesDescription: The OLTESPA is designed for AC mode AFM imaging of soft samples. The uncoated tip offers a sharp tip ap...
2016-08-11 阅读量(0)
Applications: Life Science AFM ProbesForce Modulation (FM) AFM ProbesFluid Tapping AFM ProbesDescription: Probes of the 36 series have three different force modulation mode cantilevers on one side of the holder chip. They can be used in various appli...
2017-03-12 阅读量(1)
Cantilever: F: 15 kHz C: 0.2 N/m L: 450 µmApplications: Conductive AFM ProbesDescription: NANOSENSORS™ AdvancedTEC™ ContPt AFM probes are designed for contact mode imaging. They feature a tetrahedral tip that protrudes from the very...
2017-09-12 阅读量(2)
8 Vollstadt Diamant GmbH 相关业务和产品:人造金刚石等。 9 Custodiam 相关业务和产品:单晶金刚石、金刚石微粉(磨料)、复合片、多晶金刚石、天然金刚石、树脂结合金刚石产品等。 10 IIa Technologies Pte Ltd ...
2024-03-15 阅读量(8)
Cantilever: F: 75 kHz C: 2.8 N/m L: 225 µmApplications: Force Modulation (FM) AFM ProbesNon-Contact / Soft Tapping Mode AFM ProbesDescription: NanoWorld PointProbe® FM probes are designed for force modulation mode imaging. The force constan...
2018-01-09 阅读量(0)
Cantilever: F: 11 kHz C: 0.01 N/m L: 125 µmApplications: Colloidal AFM ProbesSphere AFM TipsDescription: The new sQube® colloidal probe combines the well-known features of the proven qp-SCONT probes series such as high application versatili...
2018-01-12 阅读量(6)
Cantilever: F: 25 kHz C: 0.2 N/m L: 225 µmApplications: Contact Mode AFM ProbesLateral Force Mode AFM Probes (LFM)Description: The new PointProbe®Plus (PPP) combines the well-known features of the proven PointProbe® series such as high ...
2018-01-27 阅读量(2)
Cantilever: F: 210 kHz C: 72 N/m L: 225 µmApplications: Hardened / Enhanced Wear Resistance AFM ProbesDiamond AFM ProbesNanoindentation and Lithography AFM ProbesHardened / Enhanced Wear Resistance Tapping AFM ProbesDescription: NanoWorld Point...
2018-02-21 阅读量(1)
Applications: Contact Mode AFM ProbesDescription: Probes of the 38 series have three different contact mode cantilevers on one side of the holder chip. They can be used in various applications. Uncoated AFM Tip: shape: Rotated height: 15 µ...
2018-03-01 阅读量(2)
Cantilever: F: 190 kHz C: 48 N/m L: 225 µmApplications: Plateau AFM TipsDescription: The Plateau Tip series based on the well-established NANOSENSORS™ Silicon-SPM-Probes exhibit an intentionally blunt tip with a well-defined circular end-...
2018-03-12 阅读量(0)
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