4000-520-616 / 18915418616
Molecular Devices的EarlyTox心脏毒性试剂盒EarlyTox™心脏毒性试剂盒提供了一种快速,简单且可靠的基于荧光的方法,可使用干细胞衍生的心肌细胞在生物相关测定中鉴定心脏毒性化合物。利用我们专有的掩盖技术和新颖的钙敏感指示剂,研究人员可以:消除心脏毒性化合物并确定潜在的候选药物在数分钟而不是数小时内测量384个样本最小化染料对节拍特性的非特异性影响减少井间差异并提高数据质量最
Molecular Devices公司新闻
(PDF) Combined Inhibition of DYRK1A, SMAD, and Trithorax Pathways Synergizes to Induce Robust Replication in Adult Human Beta Cells ArticleCombined Inhibition of DYRK1A, SMAD, andTrithorax Pathways Synergizes to Induce RobustReplication in Adult Huma...
2024-01-25 阅读量(51)
蚂蚁淘(ebiomall)是一家生命科学领域的垂直电商平台,公司专注生物医学科研用品的全球导购和推广,为海内外厂方与代理经销商搭建跨境贸易系统和交流平台。蚂蚁淘致力于优化供需资源匹配,简化采购流程,加快商品流通速度,数据真实可靠,营造健康的生命科学用品在线交易生态圈。我们的slogan:蚂蚁淘【*极速】生物医疗科研用品轻松购! 联系人:吴小姐电话:0512-67156496 手机:15006135756传真:0512-67156496 邮箱:info@ebiomall.com 邮编:21451...
1970-01-01 阅读量(8)
Hypocretin/Orexin Peptides Excite Rat Neuroendocrine Dopamine Neurons through Orexin 2 Receptor-Mediated Activation of a Mixed Cation Current AbstractHypocretin/Orexin (H/O) neurons of the lateral hypothalamus are compelling modulator candidates for ...
1970-01-01 阅读量(12)
Lack of XPC leads to a shift between respiratory complexes I and II but sensitizes cells to mitochondrial stress AbstractGenomic instability drives tumorigenesis and DNA repair defects are associated with elevated cancer. Metabolic alterations are al...
2024-02-27 阅读量(39)
Presynaptic spinophilin tunes neurexin signalling to control active zone architecture and function AbstractAssembly and maturation of synapses at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) depend on trans-synaptic neurexin/neuroligin signalling, whi...
1970-01-01 阅读量(14)
A novel bispecific antibody platform to direct complement activity for efficient lysis of target cells AbstractHarnessing complement-mediated cytotoxicity by therapeutic antibodies has been limited because of dependency on size and density of antigen...
1970-01-02 阅读量(5)
Deconvolution of Buparlisib鈥檚 mechanism of action defines specific PI3K and tubulin inhibitors for therapeutic intervention AbstractBKM120 (Buparlisib) is one of the most advanced phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors for the treatment of cance...
2024-01-24 阅读量(47)
(PDF) Combined Inhibition of DYRK1A, SMAD, and Trithorax Pathways Synergizes to Induce Robust Replication in Adult Human Beta Cells ArticleCombined Inhibition of DYRK1A, SMAD, andTrithorax Pathways Synergizes to Induce RobustReplication in Adult Huma...
2024-02-18 阅读量(17)
Human relaxin-2 attenuates hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in mice with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease AbstractHuman relaxin-2 reduces hepatic fibrosis in mice. However, the effects of relaxin-2 on hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in animals with non...
1970-01-02 阅读量(25)
仪器信息网基因芯片专题为您整合基因芯片相关的最新文章,在基因芯片专题,您不仅可以免费浏览基因芯片的资讯, 同时您还可以浏览基因芯片的相关资料、解决方案,参与社区基因芯片话题讨论。电泳芯片中结构和芯片电泳分离操作参数的模拟、优化和实验验证检测方案(毛细管电泳仪) 选择了L 2精氨酸和L 2苯丙氨酸为分离样品体系,根据电泳实验提出样品基本参数,通过模拟计算考察了进样管道宽度和进样时间对进样方差的贡献 根据分离度与分离长度拟合曲线确定电泳芯片的有效分离长度 对化学发光柱后衍生管道施加的夹流电压进行了模...
2008-08-01 阅读量(20)
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