F: 13 kHzC: 0.2 N/m
L: 450 µm
Colloidal AFM ProbesSphere AFM Tips
CONT AFM probes are designed for contact mode (repulsive mode) AFM imaging. This sensor can also be used for force-distance spectroscopy mode or pulsed force mode (PFM). The CONT type is optimized for high sensitivity due to a low force constant..
The so called "Colloidal Probe Technique", where single colloids are attached to AFM cantilevers for force measurements, opens the chance for a better understanding of fundamental interactions in a variety of fields.
Examples are adhesion phenomena, particle-surface-interactions, mechanical properties, suspensions, hydrodynamics and boundary slip - to name just some out of an increasing number of applications.
The probe offers unique features:
- sphere material: silicon dioxide (SiO2)
- excellent sphere diameter:
A = 2 µm, B = 3.5 µm, C = 6.62 µm, D = 10.2 µm, or E = 15 µm (all +/- 5%)
Due to different masses the resonance frequency can differ.
Please choose A, B, C, D, or E when ordering!
- highly doped silicon cantilever to dissipate static charge
- chemically inert
- high mechanical Q-factor for high sensitivity
- precise alignment of the cantilever position when used together with the Alignment chip
(within +/- 2 µm)
- compatible with PointProbe® Plus XY-Alignment Series