Sample for characterization of tip shape with hard sharp pyramidal nanostructures. The pyramids are triangular with base length in the range 50 – 100 nm and height 50 – 150 nm. The radius of curvature of the sharpest edges is below 5 nm.
The structures of the PA01 are covered by a highly wear-resistant layer.
- pyramid base 50 - 100 nm
- pyramid height 50 - 150 nm
- smallest edge radii < 5 nm
- active area 5 x 5 mm
- chip dimensions 5 x 5 x 0.3 mm
- available mounted on 12 mm metal plate (PA01) or unmounted (PA01/NM)
The exact shape of the scanning probe tip is very important for obtaining AFM images of high quality and accuracy. As new AFM tips with nanometer radii of curvature become widespread, periodic structures that have surface features of similar or greater sharpness should be used to estimate the parameters of the tip. An AFM image of the PA structures is shown above. The AFM image is obtained using an OPUS240AC-NA probe.
NanoAndMore 横向-(xy)-校准标准 (2D200)200 nm 间距精确横向校准的标准产品描述标准(2D200)用于对 AFM 扫描机制进行非常精确的 xy 校准。该标准由蚀刻到硅芯片中的具有 200nm 间距的倒置方形金字塔的二维晶格组成。有源区位于芯片的中心,四周是 FindMe 结构。倒金字塔的格子构成了活动区域。硅芯片粘在直径为 12 毫米的不锈钢样品架上。该支架可以磁性或机械固定。该产品将通过 Gel-Pak® 载体运输。本标准是与德国国家标准权威机构 PTB(Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt)密切合作制定的。因此,PTB 能够根据国际准则认证该标准。请直接通过www.ptb.de联系工作组 5.25 Scanning Probe Metrology 。Gel-Pak® 是 Delphon Industries 的注册商标