The CHO Growth A media portfolio provides a fast, simple and comprehensive solution for CHO cell-line development. Combined with CloneDetect detection agent, CloneSelect™ Imager, and ClonePix™ 2 System, they enable researchers to more efficiently develop new protein producing CHO cells lines, thus accelerating time-to-market.
- Optimized for high recombinant protein production
- Chemically defined and free of animal components
- Enhanced optical quality for colony imaging
- Fast screening and selection of high value clones
Click here for more information on CHO Growth A
Available Configurations:
Description | Configuration | Part Number |
CloneMedia CHO Growth A without L-Gln | 1 x 90 mL | K8840 |
CloneMedia CHO Growth A without L-Gln | 6 x 90 mL | K8830 |
Molecular Devices的EarlyTox心脏毒性试剂盒EarlyTox™心脏毒性试剂盒提供了一种快速,简单且可靠的基于荧光的方法,可使用干细胞衍生的心肌细胞在生物相关测定中鉴定心脏毒性化合物。利用我们专有的掩盖技术和新颖的钙敏感指示剂,研究人员可以:消除心脏毒性化合物并确定潜在的候选药物在数分钟而不是数小时内测量384个样本最小化染料对节拍特性的非特异性影响减少井间差异并提高数据质量最大的信号动态范围针对三种参考化合物的基准:异丙肾上腺素,索他洛尔和普萘洛尔