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Home Technical Reference Library Ambion RNA RNA /siRNA siRNA Silencer siRNA Labeling Kits 展开导航 技术说明siRNA转染效率 siRNA混合库使用便捷吗? 使用siRNA文库评估基因功能 Cells-to-cDNA™ II应用 | 对siRNA靶向基因表达进行定量 控制您的siRNA研究 | 经验证的siRNA对照及相应的一抗 设计RNAi实验时控制细胞实验的可变性 揭示生存素在肿瘤形成中的作用:一项siRNA研究 siRNA诱导基因沉默的持续时间:解答您的疑问 确保RNAi成功 增强型siRNA转染及长效基因沉默 siRNA实验中的实验可变性及重复组 siRNA介导的基因沉默 对基因沉默进行快速精确的验证 | Silencer siRNA及TaqMan 基因表达检测 五种制备siRNA的方式 对siRNA进行荧光标记从而在活细胞中对其进行追踪 使用RNAi进行基因特异性沉默 实验建议:控制您的siRNA实验 开始进行RNAi 体内RNAi siRNA的体外高通量转染:从细胞系到原代细胞 匹配siRNA与检测方法 新一代siRNA让您的沉默实验更加得心应手 优化RNAi中的siRNA转染 在动物体内进行RNAi实验 在同一实验中对siRNA转染及细胞活性进行快速评估 成功进行siRNA文库筛选的建议 siRNA浓度降低减少了脱靶效应 可重复转染siRNA至培养细胞 新用户如何运用RNAi siRNA的应用 RNAi四步工作流程 RNAi:大小并不重要 PSilencer载体 建立成功的siRNA文库筛选 Silencer siRNA文库 | 靶向重要功能基因的siRNA文库 Silencer siRNA Screening Control Panel | RNAi筛选实验的有效对照 Silencer siRNA文库 Silencer siRNA起始试剂盒| 专供新用户进行基因沉默的试剂盒 siRNA设计全部包含在算法内 带有筛选标记物的siRNA表达载体 通过siRNA筛选一周内完成对上千个靶标基因的验证 siRNA诱导的mRNA敲低及表型 改进您的siRNA转染 使用更低成本测试更多siRNA 优化siRNA转染的工具 理解siRNA数据的计算方法 在功能性基因组实验中使用经验证的siRNA 可视化哺乳动物细胞中的siRNA 将siRNA克隆至pSilencer Compatible with both chemically and enzymatically synthesized siRNA Label up to 12 siRNAs, one or both strands Both Cy™3 and Fluorescein Labeling Kits available AM1632,AM1634
Silencer siRNA Labeling Kits are the perfect complement to the
Silencer siRNA Construction Kit, but can also be used to label chemically synthesized siRNAs. Two labeling kits are available: Cy3 and FAM. Each kit comes with all the reagents necessary to label 65 µg of siRNA. Labeling reactions are scalable, but typically twelve 5 µg aliquots of siRNA are labeled per kit. Labeled siRNA can be used to analyze siRNA subcellular localization, stability, transfection efficiency, and to identify transfected cells for further analysis. Fluorescently labeled siRNA is particularly suited for use in double label experiments (with a labeled antibody) to track cells that receive siRNA during transfection and to correlate transfection with down-regulation of the target protein.
Figure 1 shows a silencing experiment performed with a Cy3 labeled GAPDH siRNA and a corresponding Cy3 labeled scrambled siRNA sequence prepared with the
Silencer Cy3 siRNA Labeling Kit. The labeled siRNAs were transfected separately into HeLa S3 cells and then imaged by fluorescence microscopy. An anti-GAPDH antibody was used to monitor silencing of GAPDH expression. The siRNA to GAPDH has a strong silencing effect denoted by the lack of GAPDH protein expression (green) in Panel A compared to Panel B where the scrambled siRNA sequence was used. Each
Silencer siRNA Labeling Kit comes complete with labeling reagents for 65 µg of siRNA, a GAPDH control for labeling, and a detailed Instruction Manual.
Figure 1. siRNA Silencing of GAPDH Gene Expression. siRNA to human GAPDH and a scrambled control were fluorescently labeled with Cy3 using Ambion's Silencer siRNA Labeling Kit, transfected into HeLa S3 cells, and analyzed by fluorescence microscopy with an anti-GAPDH antibody. Red: Cy3 labeled siRNA; Blue: DAPI stained nuclei; Green: fluorescein labeled antibody to GAPDH. A. GAPDH is undectable in cells transfected with GAPDH siRNA. B. GAPDH is easily detected in cells transfected with scrambled control GAPDH siRNA.
Cy3 is a trademark of Amersham BioSciences.
Silencer siRNA Labeling Kits contain reagents manufactured for Ambion by MIRUS.
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