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Method: Preparation of Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines for Long Term Storage
RosalieVeile Purpose: Timerequired: Procedure: Warning:Wearcryoprotectivegloveswhenworkingwiththefreezingchamberandotherpermanentstoragecontainers.Also,protectiveeyeglassesarenecessaryincaseofexplosionofacryotube. Solutions: References: CryomedTechnicalManualforModel700PreprogrammedFreezingController,1985. Sigmacatalog,(1988),"Commonlyusedtissueculturetechniques"page1435.Method:PreparationofLymphoblastoidCellLinesforLongTermStorage
Prepare a 1 liter volume and divide into 25-50 ml centrifuge tubes containing 40 ml each. Store the tubes at -80 degrees C for up to one year. 700 ml RPMI-1640 with 2mM L-Glutamine 200 ml fetal bovine serum (FBS) 100 ml dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, Sigma) ------------ 1000 ml total volume Note: Filter sterilize media and FBS with a 0.22 祄 cellulose acetate filter. DoNOTfilterDMSO,itwilldissolvethecelluloseacetatemembrane.
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