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2020-05-22有谁知道: 厂家直采,平行进口,好用吗?

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Nanoprobes was founded in 1990 by Dr. James F. Hainfeld, along with a group of scientists who were also alumni of Brookhaven National Laboratory. The independent research facility they formed has allowed Dr. Hainfeld and his colleagues the freedom to pursue some of the greatest challenges in research: seeking cures for cancer and other diseases.

While part of the funding for these endeavors has come from research grants, another source had to be found, as the scientific community faces ever-increasing government cutbacks. To this end, Nanoprobes began to offer many of the nanoparticle technologies developed by its members for use in other scientists' research.

蚂蚁淘是生物试剂电商平台, 主营:海外试剂抗体,进口实验仪器,海外诊断原料等生物医学科研用品进口。我司希望借助互联网平等而开放的力量,矢志实现生命科学领域全球的信息同步与标准化,简化科学家的采购流程,节省科学家宝贵时间。如需商业合作,请联系info@ebiomall.com





X品牌 历史介绍:苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司,作为一家生命科学领域的高科技生物公司,目前代理销售二十多家欧美著名生物技术公司的产品,覆盖了免疫学、细胞生物学、分子生物学、药物筛选、生物制药、食品检测、疫苗生产等领域。



Nanoprobes was founded in 1990 by Dr. James F. Hainfeld, along with a group of scientists who were also alumni of Brookhaven National Laboratory. The independent research facility they formed has allowed Dr. Hainfeld and his colleagues the freedom to pursue some of the greatest challenges in research: seeking cures for cancer and other diseases.While part of the funding for these endeavors has come from research grants, another source had to be found, as the scientific community faces ever-increasing government cutbacks. To this end, Nanoprobes began to offer many of the nanoparticle technologies developed by its members for use in other scientists' research.