Factor XIII is the zymogenic form of the glutaminyl-peptide g-glutamyl transferase factor XIIIa (fibrinoligase, plasma transglutaminase, fibrin stabilizing factor, E.C. (1-3). Factor XIII is unique among transamidases in that it is a zymogen in vivo (2). Factor XIII is found both extracellularly in plasma and intracellularly in platelets, megakaryocytes, monocytes, placenta, uterus, liver and prostrate tissues. Plasma factor XIII is synthesized in the liver and circulates as a tetramer (Mr=320,000), composed of 2 pairs of nonidentical subunits (A2B2) (4). The intra-cellular forms are synthesized in the tissues where they reside as dimers (Mr=146,000) of 2 identical A chains (A2) (7-11). The A subunits of plasma and intracellular forms of factor XIII are functionally identical. The A subunit contains 6 free sulfhydryl groups one of which is the active site (12).
The concentration of factor XIII in plasma (A2B2) is approximately 30 mg/ml (8). It is the last of the zymogens to become activated in the coagulation cascade and it is the only enzyme in this system that is not a serine protease. The conversion of plasma factor XIII (A2B2) to the active transamidase factor XIIIa (A2") results from hydrolysis of the Arg36-Gly37 at the NH2-terminus of the A subunit by thrombin (13). Full expression of activity is achieved only after the Ca2+ (Kd=10-3M) and fibrin(ogen) (Kd=10-8M) dependent dissociation of the B subunit dimer from the A2" dimer (14-16).
In the coagulation cascade, factor XIIIa functions to stabilize the fibrin clot by crosslinking the a and g-chains of fibrin. Other proteins known to be substrates for Factor XIIIa which may be hemostatically important include fibronectin (17), α2-antiplasmin (18), collagen (19), factor V (20), von Willebrand Factor (19) and thrombospondin (21,22).
Factor XIII is purified from fresh frozen human plasma by a modification of the procedures described by Folke (2) and Lorand (10) involving barium citrate, ammonium sulfate and glycine precipitations, ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration. Factor XIII is homogeneous as judged by SDS PAGE, with a specific activity of ~50 units/mg. Factor XIII is supplied in 50% glycerol containing 0.5 mM EDTA, for storage at -20oC.
Haemtech Biopharma可以运行多种分析技术,以提供对蛋白质药物产品或物质的生化分析,或帮助进行污染物鉴定。我们的测定,测试和技术菜单包括:应用领域IVIG药物的血栓形成性过程中杂质分析与止血有关的抗药物抗体测试(免疫原性)例如抗凝血因子抗体宿主细胞蛋白质的鉴定,定量和缓解在制品和在制品中药品的稳定性和释放测试与止血相关的重组蛋白的效力和纯度测定血浆蛋白分析蛋白质的结构表征翻译后修饰二硫键映射构象变化凝血测定试剂(例如凝血活酶)的表征定制的凝血产品检测应用药代动力学研究分析鉴定/验证工艺/产品验证蛋白质纯化方法的发展强迫降解研究方法高效液相色谱反相(RPC)大小排除(SEC)离子交换(IEC)疏水相互作用(HIC)金属亲和力(IMAC)蛋白质A(用于IVIG分析)SDS页面减少和不减少一维和二维考马斯亮蓝染色银染荧光染色免疫印迹多重分析定量化凝血测定因子分析(II,V,VII,VIII,IX,X,XI,XII,XIII等)PTPTPT行动计划福尔摩斯测试其他ELISA法各种显色测定因子分析(II,V,VII,VIII,IX,X,XI,XII,XIII等)其他翻译后修饰分析糖基化,硫酸化,磷酸化,羟基化,脱酰胺,乙酰化,氧化,氨基甲酸酯化和γ-羧化凝血酶生成测定对于IVIG和其他抗药物抗体ELISA(ADA)抗原料药抗体抗宿主细胞蛋白的抗体抗污染物或分解产物的抗体鉴定未知质谱N端测序残留水分测定顶空真空测量pH值渗透压折光率总蛋白质配方评估