4000-520-616 / 18915418616
CatalogNumberCRM-197DescriptionCRM197diphtheriatoxinmutant,recombinant.Pre-clinicalgrade.ProductBackgroundCRM197isanon-toxicmutantofdiphtheriatoxin1,2havingasingleaminoacidsubstitutionofglutamicacidforglycine.CRM197isawell-definedproteinandfunctionsasacarrierforpolysaccharidesandhaptensmakingthemimmunogenic.Itisutilizedasacarrierproteininanumberofapprovedconjugatevaccinesfordiseasessuchasmeningitisandpneumococcalbacterialinfections.PfenexCRM197isarecombinantformexpressedinPseudomonasfluorescensusingthePfenexExpressionTechnologyTMplatform.Thisproductisavailableinbothpre-clinicalandcGMPgrade.FormoreinformationonCRM197orourothervaccinecarriers,pleasecontactusorvisitourknowledgecenterforarticles,publicationsandotherresourcesonCRM197andourothervaccinecarriers.SourcePseudomonasfluorescensSpeciesCoryNEBacteriumdiphtheriaeStorageStoreat2-8°CuponreceiptPurity Purity:>95%CRM197bySDS-PAGEAandBchaincontent<5%oftotalCRM197Endotoxin:<100EU/mgofproteinbyLALmethodDimer:<5%Uses Beforeuse,asepticallyreconstitutelyophilizedCRM197withsteriledeionizedwatertoaconcentrationof4mg/mLCRM197.ReconstitutedCRM197shouldbestoredat2-8°C. 美国Pfenex公司总部在加利福尼亚的圣迭戈,是一家为生物制药和疫苗开发机构提供临床前cGMP级蛋白质的全球领先供应商。利用公司的核心技术——Pfēnex Expression Technology™在重组蛋白表达方面的应用,使Pfenex能够快速开发和生产高质量的蛋白和蛋白试剂。现Pfenex公司通过旗下的Reagent Proteins分部为全球药物研究和开发机构生产并销售相关蛋白产品。Pfēnex Expression Technology™核心专利技术结合了一个自动启用高通量平行菌株筛选技术,提供前所未有的能快速成功识别表达高可溶性滴度和活性蛋白的菌株。Pfenex公司已正式授权上海权阳贸易有限公司为中国地区首家且独家产品代理经销商。Salmon thrombin (三文鱼凝血酶/鲑鱼凝血酶) Catalog NumberSEA-135 DescriptionPlasma protein from the blood of farmed S. salar Product BackgroundBackground: - Fibrin gels made from salmon proteins have demonstrated remarkable properties in neuron survival and growth. - Salmon fibrin gels represent the optimal matrix for neuronal cell cultural- Salmon fibrin gels have also properties superior to mammalian gels in an in vitro angiogenesis model. The salmon gels were 60-188% more efficient than human fibrin gels supporting growth of human endothetlial cells. These results indicate that salmon fibrin may be attractive alternate ECM for support of microvascular network formation. - Salmon fibrinogen and thrombin can be used at room temperature - Soft salmon fibrin gels have been shown to promote selection and growth of tumorigenic cellsResearch Targets:- Regenerative Medicine - Spinal Cord Injury - Neural cell regrowth - Pain & CNS Investigators - Stem Cell Research - Cancer stem cell researchBenefits: - Superior Performance- demonstrated superiority to Matrigel as an extracellular matrix for neuronal cell growth.- Safety from mammalian pathogens - Easy of rehydration & improved thermal properties.For more information on Salmon fibrinogen and thrombin: Sieminski and Gooch. 2004. J Biomater Sci Polym. Ed 15(2):237-42Ju, et al. Biomaterials. 2007 April; 28 (12): 2097-2108 Liu J, et al. Nat Mater. 2012 Jul 1;11(8):734-41. doi: 10.1038/nmat3361.Information Sheet Application Note CategoryMiscellaneous Proteins FormulationDialyzed in 200 mM Tris, 3 mM CaCl2, 0.15M NaCl, pH 7.2-7.5. ReconstitutionRehydrate with H2O at room temperature or below. Remove the amount to be used that day, and hold on ice. Salmon thrombin retains greater than 80% activity after 24 hours on ice. Aliquot remaining thrombin and freeze at <-60°C StorageFreezer (<-10°C). Avoid freeze-thaw cycles PurityAffinity chromatography on immobilized heparin, SDS-PAGESourced from salmon shown by certified tests to be negative for fish viruses. Activity tested by spectrophometric analysis of peptide hydrolysis (Chromozyme), and compared to human standard.Filtered to 0.2 u Activity≥ 1000 Units/ mg protein ReferencesUS Patent #6,007,811 and 6,861,225. Michaud et al, 2002. Thrombosis Research 107:245-54 Sieminski and Gooch. 2004. J Biomater Sci Polym. Ed 15(2):237-42Ju, et al. Biomaterials. 2007 April; 28 (12): 2097-2108 Salmon fibrin treatment of spinal cord injury promotes functional recovery and density of serotonergic innervationLiu J, et al. Nat Mater. 2012 Jul 1;11(8):734-41. doi: 10.1038/nmat3361. Reagent Proteins is the Source for proteins. From custom protein production to our over 5,000 catalog proteins, we are a leading supplier of reagent, pre-clinical and cGMP grade proteins to the biopharmaceutical and vaccine development community. We ensure the cost-effective and rapid delivery of high quality recombinant proteins to enable your research and development efforts.