Product Description
Cynomolgus (Macacafascicularis)monkey (cyno) C1q is purified from pooled normal cynoserum. C1q ispart of the C1 complex,which is the first complement component in theclassical pathway ofcomplement. The C1 complex is anon-covalentassembly of three different proteins (C1q, C1r, and C1s) boundtogetherin a calcium-dependent complex.C1q has six extended arms withdomains at the end of each arm that bindto the Fc domains ofimmunoglobulins such as IgG or IgM. When antibodies bind to antigens,formingimmune complexes, they cluster allowing two or more of the sixC1q arms to bindto the Fc domains of antibodies. Thebinding ofmultiple arms of C1q to immune complexes causes the two C1r proteinsinthe complex (protease zymogens) to auto-activate. The activated C1r proteases cleave and activate the two C1s protease zymogens in the complex. The activated C1s cleavescomplement component C4 releasingC4a and initiating covalent attachment of C4bto the activatingsurface. Activated C1salso cleaves C2 and the larger fragment of C2binds to the surface-attached C4bforming C4b,C2a, the C3/C5 convertaseof the classical pathway.
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Complement Technology的GVB o是一种基本缓冲液,可用于制备用于补体测定的其他传统缓冲液。可以将Ca ++和Mg ++添加到GVB o中,以制成用于经典途径和凝集素途径测定的GVB ++。可以将MgEGTA添加到GVB o中以进行替代途径测定。EDTA可被添加到GVB Ò准备GVBE抑制补体活化。GVB ø也用于血清和其它测定组分的稀释在许多补体测定中特别是在旁路途径测定(摩根,BP(2000;多兹,AW和Sim,RB(1997))。