4000-520-616 / 18915418616

AbD Serotec/IL-10 antibody | CC318/0.5 mg/MCA2110

品牌:AbD Serotec
Mouse anti Bovine Interleukin-10 antibody, clone CC318 recognizes bovine IL-10. Mouse anti Bovine Interleukin-10 antibody, clone CC318 has been shown not to inhibit the biological activity of IL-10.

Product Details

Target Species
Species Cross-Reactivity
Target SpeciesCross Reactivity
N.B. Antibody reactivity and working conditions may vary between species.
Product Form
Purified IgG - liquid
Purified IgG prepared by affinity chromatography on Protein A from tissue culture supernatant
Buffer Solution
Phosphate buffered saline
Preservative Stabilisers
0.09%Sodium Azide
Carrier Free
Plasmid cDNA encoding bovine IL-10.
Approx. Protein Concentrations
IgG concentration 1.0 mg/ml
Fusion Partners
Spleen cells from immunised Balb/c mice were fused with cells of the mouse SP2/0 myeloma cell line

Storage Information

Store at +4oC or at -20oC if preferred. This product should be stored undiluted.Storage in frost-free freezers is not recommended. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing as this may denature the antibody. Should this product contain a precipitate we recommend microcentrifugation before use.
12 months from date of despatch

More Information

Entrez Gene
GO Terms
GO:0002237response to molecule of bacterial origin
GO:0002740negative regulation of cytokine secretion involved in immune response
GO:0002904positive regulation of B cell apoptosis
GO:0005125cytokine activity
GO:0005615extracellular space
GO:0006954inflammatory response
GO:0006955immune response
GO:0030889negative regulation of B cell proliferation
GO:0032715negative regulation of interleukin-6 production
GO:0032800receptor biosynthetic process
GO:0042095interferon-gamma biosynthetic process
GO:0043193positive regulation of gene-specific transcription
GO:0045019negative regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process
GO:0045077negative regulation of interferon-gamma biosynthetic process
GO:0050715positive regulation of cytokine secretion
GO:0051045negative regulation of membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis
GO:0051091positive regulation of transcription factor activity
GO:0051384response to glucocorticoid stimulus
For research purposes only

Applications of IL-10 antibody

This product has been reported to work in the following applications. This information is derived from testing within our laboratories, peer-reviewed publications or personal communications from the originators. Please refer to references indicated for further information. For general protocol recommendations, please visit the antibody protocols page.
Application NameVerifiedMin DilutionMax Dilution
Flow Cytometry 1
  1. 1 Membrane permeabilization is required for this application. Bio-Rad recommends the use of Leucoperm (BUF09) for this purpose.
Where this antibody has not been tested for use in a particular technique this does not necessarily exclude its use in such procedures. It is recommended that the user titrates the antibody for use in their own system using appropriate negative/positive controls.
This reagent may be used as a capture antibody in a sandwich ELISA assay for bovine IL-10 in combination with MCA2111B as detection reagent, see Bannerman, D.D.et al.

Secondary Antibodies Available

DescriptionProduct CodeApplicationsPack SizeList PriceQuantity
Goat anti Mouse IgG (H/L):Alk. Phos. (Multi Species Adsorbed)STAR117AE WB 0.5 mgloader
Goat anti Mouse IgG (H/L):FITC (Multi Species Adsorbed)STAR117FF 0.5 mgloader
Goat anti Mouse IgG (H/L):HRP (Multi Species Adsorbed)STAR117PE WB 0.5 mgloader
Goat anti Mouse IgG (Fc):FITCSTAR120FC F 1 mgloader
Goat anti Mouse IgG (Fc):HRPSTAR120PE WB 1 mgloader
Rabbit F(ab')2 anti Mouse IgG:RPESTAR12AF 1 mlloader
Goat anti Mouse IgG:FITC (Rat Adsorbed)STAR70F 0.5 mgloader
Goat anti Mouse IgG:RPE (Rat Adsorbed)STAR76F 1 mlloader
Goat anti Mouse IgG:HRP (Rat Adsorbed)STAR77C E P 0.5 mgloader
Goat anti Mouse IgG/A/M:Alk. Phos.STAR87AC E WB 1 mgloader
Goat anti Mouse IgG/A/M:HRP (Human Adsorbed)STAR87PE 1 mgloader
Rabbit F(ab')2 anti Mouse IgG:Dylight®800STAR8D800GAF IF WB 0.1 mgloader
Rabbit F(ab')2 anti Mouse IgG:FITCSTAR9BF 1 mgloader
Rabbit F(ab')2 anti Mouse IgG:HRP (Human Adsorbed)STAR13BC E P RE WB 1 mgloader
Goat anti Mouse IgG (H/L):DyLight®800 (Multi Species Adsorbed)STAR117D800GAF IF WB 0.1 mgloader
Goat anti Mouse IgG (H/L):DyLight®488 (Multi Species Adsorbed)STAR117D488GAF IF 0.1 mg loader
Goat anti Mouse IgG (H/L):DyLight®680 (Multi Species Adsorbed)STAR117D680GAF WB 0.1 mgloader

Negative Isotype Controls Available

DescriptionProduct CodeApplicationsPack SizeList PriceQuantity
Mouse IgG2b Negative ControlMCA691F 100 Testsloader

Application Based External Images



Flow Cytometry

Product Specific References

References for IL-10 antibody

  1. Kwong, L.S. et al. (2002) Development of an ELISA for bovine IL-10.Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 85 (3-4): 213-23.
  2. Scandurra, G.M. et al. (2009) Assessment of live candidate vaccines for paratuberculosis in animal models and macrophages.Infect Immun. 78: 1383-9.
  3. Weiss DJ et al. (2008) Bovine monocyte TLR2 receptors differentially regulate the intracellular fate of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium.J Leukoc Biol. 83 (1): 48-55.
  4. Hamza, E. et al. (2007) Modulation of allergy incidence in icelandic horses is associated with a change in IL-4-producing T cells.Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 144: 325-37.
  5. Wenz, J.R. et al. (2010) Factors associated with concentrations of select cytokine and acute phase proteins in dairy cows with naturally occurring clinical mastitis.J Dairy Sci. 93: 2458-70.
  6. Rinaldi, M. et al (2010) A sentinel function for teat tissues in dairy cows: dominant innate immune response elements define early response to E. coli mastitis.Funct Integr Genomics. 10: 21-38.
  7. Parker, D.G. et al. (2010) Lentivirus-mediated gene transfer of interleukin 10 to the ovine and human cornea.Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 38: 405-13.
  8. Ferret-Bernard, S. et al. (2011) Mesenteric lymph node cells from neonates present a prominent IL-12 response to CpG oligodeoxynucleotide via an IL-15 feedback loop of amplification.Vet Res. 42:19.
  9. Bannerman, D.D. et al. (2004) Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus elicit differential innate immune responses following intramammary infection.Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 11: 463-72.
  10. Coad, M. et al. (2010) Repeat tuberculin skin testing leads to desensitisation in naturally infected tuberculous cattle which is associated with elevated interleukin-10 and decreased interleukin-1 beta responses.Vet Res. 41: 14.
  11. den Hartog, G. et al. (2011) Modulation of human immune responses by bovine interleukin-10.PLoSone 6: e18188
  12. Ikebuchi, R. et al. (2013) Blockade of bovine PD-1 increases T cell function and inhibits bovine leukemia virus expression in B cells in vitro.Vet Res. 44: 59.
  13. Ferret-Bernard, S. et al. (2010) Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the strong neonatal IL-12 response of lamb mesenteric lymph node cells to R-848.PLoS One. 5: e13705.
  14. Jones, G.J. et al. (2010) Simultaneous measurement of antigen-stimulated interleukin-1 beta and gamma interferon production enhances test sensitivity for the detection of Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle.Clin Vaccine Immunol. 17: 1946-51.
  15. McGill, J.L. et al. (2013) Differential chemokine and cytokine production by neonatal bovine γ/δ T-cell subsets in response to viral toll-like receptor agonists and in vivo respiratory syncytial virus infection.Immunology. 139: 227-44.
  16. Olivier, M. et al. (2009) Capacities of migrating CD1b+ lymph dendritic cells to present Salmonella antigens to naive T cells.PLoS One. 7: e30430.
  17. Shu, D. et al. (2011) Diverse cytokine profile from mesenteric lymph node cells of cull cows severely affected with Johne"s disease.Clin Vaccine Immunol. 18: 1467-76.
  18. Redondo, E. et al. (2014) Induction of interleukin-8 and interleukin-12 in neonatal ovine lung following experimental inoculation of bovine respiratory syncytial virus.J Comp Pathol. 150 (4): 434-48.
  19. Dooley LM et al. (2015) Effect of mesenchymal precursor cells on the systemic inflammatory response and endothelial dysfunction in an ovine model of collagen-induced arthritis.PLoS One. 10 (5): e0124144.
  20. Rainard, P. et al. (2016) Innate and Adaptive Immunity Synergize to Trigger Inflammation in the Mammary Gland.PLoS One. 11 (4): e0154172.
  21. Canal AM et al. (2017) Immunohistochemical detection of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in granulomas in cattle with natural Mycobacterium bovis infection. Res Vet Sci. 110: 34-39.
  22. Cassady-Cain, R.L. et al. (2017) Inhibition of Antigen-Specific and Nonspecific Stimulation of Bovine T and B Cells by Lymphostatin from Attaching and Effacing Escherichia coli.Infect Immun. 85 (2)Jan 26 [Epub ahead of print].
  23. Pomeroy B et al. (2016) Impact of in vitro treatments of physiological levels of estradiol and progesterone observed in pregnancy on bovine monocyte-derived dendritic cell differentiation and maturation.Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 182: 37-42.
  24. Davidson, J.O. et al. (2020) Window of opportunity for human amnion epithelial stem cells to attenuate astrogliosis after umbilical cord occlusion in preterm fetal sheep.Stem Cells Transl Med. Oct 26 [Epub ahead of print].

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AbD Serotec于2006年初由原来的Serotec、Design、Biogenesis和OBT四家公司合并而成,统一归英国著名的抗体公司MorphoSys旗下。合并后的AbD Serotec公司可以提供上万种抗体和免疫学试剂、单抗制备和多种规模的抗体生产和标记服务。最近AbD Serotec还建立了ISO 9001认证的生产机构,为其客户提供更高品质的免疫学产品和相关客户服务。提供各类用于免疫检测的CD抗体、诊断试剂、各种标记试剂。AbD (Antibodies Direct) 是世界领先的抗体技术公司之一MorphoSys公司的研究用抗体部门。AbD Serotec品牌创立于2006年初,用以将由Design, Biogenesis, Serotec, 和Oxford Biotechnology 提供的抗体产品和服务推向市场。这些抗体产品和服务包括10,000种抗体和免疫学试剂,从MorphoSys HuCAL(the Human Combinatorial Antibody Library)抗体库定制单克隆抗体,以及各种规模的抗体生产和轭合服务。    AbD Serotec 新近在英国牛津附近的Kidlington 开放了一个经ISO 9001认证的新生产设施,作为AbD Serotec 总部。AbD Serotec 以向其研究及工业领域客户提供最高质量的产品和服务而自豪。    产品线:     *Human Antibodies / Reagents      *Rodent Antibodies / Reagents     *Veterinary Antibodies / Reagents     *Cell Biology Antibodies / Reagents     *Cytokine Antibodies / Reagents     *Neurology Antibodies / Reagents     *Microbiology Antibodies / Reagents     *Paraffin-reactive Antibodies     *Alexa Fluor  Conjugates      *Secondary Antibodies / Reagents     *Antibody Labeling Kits     *Antibody Manufacturing Tools     *Protein Purification Kits     *Buffers / Reagents and Serums     *Bulk Antibodies / Reagents