MD Biosciences/Aggrecan Antibody, N-terminal neoepitope DIPEN/100 ug/1042002

品牌:MD Biosciences
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Proteoglycans are categoried depending upon the nature of their glycosaminoglycan chains (chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, heparan sulphate and keratan sullfate) as well as characterized by size.

Aggrecan is a large aggregating proteoglycan of articular cartilage. It is found also in aorta tissue, discs, tendons and in the perineuronal net. It is responsible for hydrating cartilage, giving it compressibility and resiliance during joint loading, thereby playing a major role in the normal function of cartilage. Depletion of glycosaminoglycan bearing aggrecan fragments is one of the earliest events in cartilage destruction.



Immunogen: DIPEN synthetic peptide conjugate.

Clone: BC-4

Host: Mouse

Myeloma: x63-Ag8.653

Isotype: IgG1

Light Chain type: kappa

Specificity: Recognizes the N-terminal neoepitope sequence (...DIPEN) generated at the “MMP cleavagesite” after MMP catabolism in the interglobular domain of aggrecan between amino acids..PEN341 and 342FFG.

Cross-reactivity: This antibody cross-reacts with human, Rat, guinea pig, horse, and Pig.

Purity: Affinity purified on protein G

Form: Liquid, 1 mL/vial

Concentration: 0.1 mg/mL

Storage: -20° C



Aggrecan Antibody, clone BC4 Insert (PDF, 332 KB)

Joint Disease and Aggrecan (blog post)


Dupuis, L. E., Nelson, E. L., Hozik, B., Porto, S. C., Rogers-DeCotes, A., Fosang, A., & Kern, C. B. (2019). Adamts5−/− mice exhibit altered aggrecan proteolytic profiles that correlate with ascending aortic anomalies.Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology,39(10), 2067-2081.

References/Citations:How the Aggrecan N-terminal Neoepitope Antibody was used:

Recapitulation of endochondrial bone formation using human adult mesenchymal stem cells as a paradigm for developmental engineering Celeste Scotti et al., PNAS, April 2010; 107:7251-7256.

(Supporting Literature: Supporting Literature )

Immunohistochemistry analysis to characterize the extracellular matrix of late hypertrophic cartilage implants harvested from mice.
Identification of a Novel HtrA1-susceptible Cleavage Site in Human Aggrecan: EVIDENCE FOR THE INVOLVEMENT OF HtrA1 IN AGGRECAN PROTEOLYSIS IN VIVO Angela Chamberland et al., J. Biol. Chem., Oct 2009; 284: 27352 - 27359.Western blot analysis to detect the N-terminal neoepitope-DIPEN cleavage site of purified full-length human aggrecan, after digestion with MMP-13.This was visualized at ~50 kDa.

How To Use

How To Use:


  • Western-Blotting -Suggested dilution: 1:100Detects a a band of approximately 60 kDa
  • IHC

Technical Notes:

This antibody should work in IHC on formalin- or paraformaldehyde-fixed paraffin embedded

sections as well as either alcohol-fixed frozen sections or un-fixed snap-frozen sections.

Samples are usually deglycosylated using 0.01 Units Chondroitinase ABC (Sigma), 0.01

Units Keratanase (Seikagaku) and 0.0001 Units Keratanase II (Seikagaku) per 10μg S-GAG

of non-deglycosylated aggrecan for optimal epitope recognition in SDS-PAGE and immunohistochemistry

(1, 2).

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