MD Biosciences/Cell Proliferation Kit/1000 Assays/409005

品牌:MD Biosciences
  • Overview
  • Data/Specifications
  • Literature/Support
  • How It Works



The need for a reliable, sensitive and quantitative assay that would enable analysis of a large number of samples led to the development of methods, such as:

  • use of radioactive thymidine to label DNA in live cells
  • use of Brdu to label DNA in live cells (as a substitute for radioactive thymidine)

The advantages of using MD Bioproducts Cell Proliferation Kit (XTT) can be summarized with the following attributes:

  • easy-to-use: there is no requirement for additional reagents and/or the cell washing procedures
  • speed: multiwell plates and an ELISA reader can be used for reading
  • sensitivity: can be assayed even in low cell concentrations
  • accuracy: dye absorbance is proportional to the number of cells in each well
  • safety: there is no need for radioactive isotopes


  • Kit Components
  • XTT Reagent
  • Activation Reagent



Cell Proliferation Kit Data Insert (PDF, 439 KB)

Nagafuku, M., Okuyama, K., Onimaru, Y., Suzuki, A., Odagiri, Y., Yamashita, T. & Inokuchi, J. I. (2012). CD4 and CD8 T cells require different membrane gangliosides for activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(6), E336-E342.

How It Works

How It Works:

The assay is based on the ability of metabolic active cells to reduce the tetrazolium salt XTT to orange colored compounds of formazan. The dye formed is water soluble and the dye intensity can be read at a given wavelength with a spectrophotometer. The intensity of the dye is proportional to the number of metabolic active cells. The use of multiwell plates and an ELISA reader enables testing a large number of samples and obtaining easy and rapid results. The test procedure includes cultivation of cells in a 96-well plate, adding the XTT reagent and incubation for 2-24 hours. During incubation an orange color is formed, the intensity of which can be measured with a spectrophotometer, in this instance with an ELISA reader. The greater the number of active cells in the well, the greater the activity of mitochondria enzymes, and the higher the concentration of the dye formed, which can then be measured and quantitated.

MD Biosciences定制的基于细胞的检测测试服务MD Biosciences使用原代或永生化细胞系进行基于细胞的检测,用于筛选和作用机理研究。我们的科学团队与您一起确定最适合您需要的测定设计。我们的化验开发经验涉及广泛的研究目标,并且通过选择正确的细胞系统,刺激物,时间点和终点读数,针对每个试验研究针对赞助商的相关性进行了定制。 符合研究目标的 我们的菜单包括但不限于定制细胞培养,蛋白质表达和生物测定开发。尽管大多数研究使用患者来源的PBMC或已建立的细胞系,例如巨噬细胞U937或RAW264.7细胞,HUVEC内皮细胞,A549肺泡细胞或神经元细胞,但实际上任何类型的细胞都可以在研究中建立和使用。我们自豪地为GLP兼容实验室提供实验室服务,这些项目致力于FDA批准用于临床设置,从而允许通过临床前测定验证来进行定制测定开发,以用于临床药物开发和治疗应用。