The Native Protein Extraction from Cells and Tissues Buffer (NPB) is for isolation of proteins in the native state from cells and tissue. This buffer can be used to prepare samples for ELISA, immunoprecipitation or other immunoassays where denaturing of proteins or the presence of strong detergents may interfere with the assay. NPB is provided in 2X concentrated Tris buffered saline, with a pH of 7.4 when diluted to the 1X working concentration.
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Cat No. A-0045 – 50 – $27.00 Click Here to Order on Amazon
选择Isohelix DNA唾液收集装置和DNA口腔试子,能为下游检测、研究获取大量、高纯度DNA。 Isohelix产品包括:1. GeneFiX™唾液收集装置(GeneFiX™ Saliva DNA Collection Device)GeneFiX™是一种使用简便的DNA唾液收集装置,可以将2ml唾液中的DNA长期稳定保存,新产品中有1ml唾液的收集装置。收集器为含有螺旋接口漏斗的筒状装置,方便将唾液直接收集到无毒的稳定缓冲液中,收集管上有清晰的收集量指示刻度。满足收集量后,将漏斗去除,拧上盖子即可。有多种形式满足手动或高通量要求。独特的漏斗设计可阻止返流,且充分考虑、满足了样品运输和储存需求。特性选用经济,好用的DNA稳定缓冲液独特的漏斗设计,防止溢出或缓冲液返流室温至少可以存放60多个月DNA得量超过180 ng/µl与多种手动或高通量分离试剂盒兼容一维或二维码,具有自动开封能力与下游处理技术兼容适合野外,居家和临床取样95kPa压力设计,防止收集管漏液产品编号:GFX-01/2, GFX-01/12, GFX-01/50GFXA-01/2, GFXA-01/12, GFXA-01/50FDX-02/2, FDX-02/12, FDX-02/48FDX-01/2, FDX-01/12, FDX-02/48FDXA-01/2, FDXA-01/12, FDXA-01/50