4000-520-616 / 18915418616

immunodx/CEM-15 (hAPOBEC3G) vif (HIV-1) Capture ELISA/Product #107


Product Specifications:



Description: hCEM-15/HIV-1 vif Capture ELISA.


Storage: Store components as specified at 4°C.


Stability: Please see kit label.


Note: Read instructions and familiarize yourself with kit components before performing assays with this kit.


Component List:


A) Plate holder with solid phase hCEM-15 ligand strips (96 well plate). Store at 4°C.


B) Wash Buffer 10 X, (dilute 1:10 with deion-ized water) before use.


C) Sample Dilution Buffer (Store at 4oC)


D) HIV-1 rvif Standard (2ug/ml, Store at 4°C).


E) Detector Reagent: Murine anti-vif mAb peroxidase (dilute 1:100 before use).


F) Peroxidase Substrate (Store at 4°C)


G) Stop Solution (Store at 4°C)


Bring Diluent Buffer (Component C) to room temperature before use.




vif Capture


1. vif detection range: 200ng/test to 2ng/test.Transfer 100ul of Dilution Buffer (Component C) to wells B-H. Using a 200ul pipettor, transfer 100ul of vif reference (Component D) to wells A and B each.


2. Using a new pipette  tip mix well B contents by drawing the liquid from the well into the pipette tip and gently returing the liquid to the well 10 times without  letting any air bubbles into the well.  Remove 100ul of mix from well B and transfer to well C. Using the same tip repeat the mixing procedure as in 2 above from wells C to G (2-fold serial dilution ). Leave well H as a blank.


3. Gently tap the plate holder againt a solid object to dislodge any air bubbles in the wells and leave plate at room temperature for 1 hr.


4. Dump contents of wells and wash wells with 1 x wash buffer (Component B:  1:10 diluted with De-ionized H2O) 4 times.  Leave last wash in wells until ready for the next step.




vif Detection


1. Dilute detector reagent (Component E) 1:100 in Diluent Buffer (Component C).  Dump contents of wells (step 4 above) and pipette 100µl of diluted detector reagent (Component E) into each well.  Cover plate and leave in a dark place at room temperature for 1 hour.


2. Dump contents of wells, and wash wells 4 times with 1 x wash buffer (Component B).  Dump last wash before continuing to the next step.


3. Add 100µl TMB substrate (Component F) to each well.


Note: The TMB Substrate is light sensitive.  Do not expose to sustained, direct light.


4. Blue color will develop in Positive Reference wells over 10 minutes at room temperature.


5. Stop color development after10 minutes by adding 50µl of  Stop Solution (Component G)  to each well.  Color will change to yellow.  Read plate at 450nm as soon as possible (no more than 10 minutes).




Inhibitor Assay


Before adding vif  reference to the wells Section 1 above, , add 10 ul of the inhibitor test compound to the wells so that after the addition of 100ul of  vif reference to the well, the concentration of the inhibitor in the desired range ( pM,  nM, uM and mM) is achieved. Inhibitor test studies may be performed in duplicate or triplicate with appropriate amounts of vif  (Section 1 above) to produce the  color signal measured at 450nm for readings in 1.5-1.8 OD range. This corresponds to a vif concentration of approximately 100ng/well.

immunodx重组抗原重组抗原是从实验室而不是从其生物学来源人工制造的抗原。就像天然抗原一样,它们能够使免疫系统发挥作用,从而使人体免受伤害。 并非市场上所有的重组抗原都是相同的。来自我们的  ImmunoDX具有极高的质量,并且与天然同类产品高度相似。 为了生产理想用于各种研究和诊断目的的重组抗原,我们使用了一些最具创新性和可靠性的蛋白质工程方法。由于一切都在我们的工厂中进行,因此我们保证了重组抗原纯度,特异性和生物活性的高水平标准。 我们的重组抗原以相同的方式非常接近天然抗原。但是,它们的生产不受诸如高需求和高税率等约束因素的影响。ImmunoDX可以以少量成本提供大量一流的重组抗原。 ImmunoDX的重组抗原非常适合  各种各样的应用,包括用于产生商业用途抗体的免疫程序。 多年来,ImmunoDX一直专门从事与关节炎,癌症,结核病,艾滋病等相关的研究和诊断的特殊生物学产品的生产。我们还提供许多其他相关的产品和服务。