Product Specifications:
Item# 1001-BL: Biotin rgp120 HIV-1 IIIB
Mass/Vial: 50µg
Vol./Vial: 50ul
Diluent: PBS+ 0.2% BSA, pH 7.5
Stabilizer: BSA
Preservative: 0.1% NaN3
Storage: 4°C
Stability: 6 Months
Minimum Dilution: 1 : 2,000
Application: T-Cell Research, Diagnostics, Drug Screening, ELISA, Western ELISA.
Description: Biotin conjugated to rgp120 HIV-1 IIIB.
Coupling Ratio: Approximately 5-20 moles of biotin per mole gp120.
Specificity: Biotin gp120 binds to Murine and Human Anti-gp120 mAbs as determined by strepavidin-HRP ELISA and Western ELISA assays.
Biological Activity: Biotin gp120 binds to solid phase CD4 as determined by capture ELISA using strepavidin-HRP as a secondary reagent.
Application and Instructions for use
Recommended concentrations for use are approximate values. A dose dependent response assay should be performed to determine the optimal concentration for use in specific applications.
1. ELISA may be performed in 1 : 10,000 dilution range depending on the concentration of the test ligand and specificity and sensitivity of the secondary reagents. gp120/CD4 capture ELISA may be performed in 100ng CD4 in solid phase and 0.1-10ng of biotin-gp120.
immunodx重组抗原重组抗原是从实验室而不是从其生物学来源人工制造的抗原。就像天然抗原一样,它们能够使免疫系统发挥作用,从而使人体免受伤害。 并非市场上所有的重组抗原都是相同的。来自我们的 ImmunoDX具有极高的质量,并且与天然同类产品高度相似。 为了生产理想用于各种研究和诊断目的的重组抗原,我们使用了一些最具创新性和可靠性的蛋白质工程方法。由于一切都在我们的工厂中进行,因此我们保证了重组抗原纯度,特异性和生物活性的高水平标准。 我们的重组抗原以相同的方式非常接近天然抗原。但是,它们的生产不受诸如高需求和高税率等约束因素的影响。ImmunoDX可以以少量成本提供大量一流的重组抗原。 ImmunoDX的重组抗原非常适合 各种各样的应用,包括用于产生商业用途抗体的免疫程序。 多年来,ImmunoDX一直专门从事与关节炎,癌症,结核病,艾滋病等相关的研究和诊断的特殊生物学产品的生产。我们还提供许多其他相关的产品和服务。