This product consists of the immunoglobulin fraction of rabbit anti-S-100 serum.The antibody was generated in rabbits against S-100 protein isolated from bovine brain. Common determinants on this protein occur amongst widely disparate species, e.g. fruit fly and man. Anti-S-100 reacts with the alpha and beta subunits of S-100A. In the central nervous system, glial and ependymal cells stain positively. In the peripheral nervous system, Schwann cells are positively labeled. Melanocytes and Langerhans cells stain in skin.
Photo Description: IHC image of a human astrocytoma staining for s-100 beta. The tissue was formalin fixed and embedded in paraffin, before microtome sectioning and antigen retrieval. Sections were incubated at RT in 10% goat serum in PBS, before standard IHC procedure. Primary antibody was incubated at 1:5000 for 48 hours, goat anti-rabbit secondary was subsequently added for 1 hour after washing with PBS. Light microscopy staining was achieved with standard biotin-streptavidin/HRP procedure and DAB chromogen.
Quantity / Volume: 6 mL
Reacts With: Bullfrog, Ferret, Fish, Gerbil, Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat
Availability: In Stock
Alternate Names: S-100 protein alpha chain; S-100 protein subunit alpha; S100 alpha; S100 calcium-binding protein A1; S100A; S100 calcium binding protein A1, anti-S100
Gene Symbol: S100A1RRID: AB_572261
Database Links:
Entrez Gene:101691878 FerretEntrez Gene:6271 HumanEntrez Gene:715403 MonkeyEntrez Gene:20193MouseEntrez Gene:295214 Rat
Immuno Star我们的抗体研究客户包括美国和世界各地的主要大学,医院,公司,政府和其他机构神经科学家。我们的免疫组化产品可用于检测多种生物标记。这些疾病包括帕金森氏病,阿尔茨海默氏病,癫痫和脑癫痫,精神分裂症,楼格里格氏病和亨廷顿氏病。我们的产品用于鸦片受体的研究,具有改善从酒精中毒到类风湿关节炎的治疗方法的潜力。我们的科学团队致力于质量控制测试。这样可以确保我们所有的抗体在批次间均具有可靠性。我们对质量的执着使我们的产品在神经科学研究人员中享有极高的声誉,这些研究人员知道并相信ImmunoStar的抗体有效。