Simpo-Mount is water-based mounting medium for immunohistology. It is used for the permanent preservation of the following chromogens or dyes. Simply apply drops of Simpo-Mount on the tissue section a liquid polymer coverslip will form. It does not need coverslip. This universal mounting media maintains the original stain intensity and characteristics. It demonstrates excellent optical clarity.
Compatible with:
1. Horseradish peroxidase chromogens: 1) Diaminobenzidine(DAB), 2) 3-amino, 9-ethylcarbazole (AEC), 3) 4-chloro-1-naphthol 2. Alkaline phosphatase chromogens: 1) 5-bromo, 4-chloro,indolylphosphate/ iodonitrotetrazolium(BCIP/INT), 2) 5-bromo, 4-chloro, 3-indolylphosphate/nitro- bluetetrazolium(BCIP/NBT) 3) Naphthol AS-MX phosphate/Fast Red TR salt. 3. Fluorescent specimen: 1) Fluorescein 2) Rhodamine 3) Texas Red 4) FluoroBlue
NOT Compatible with:
1. Fluorescent Specimen stained with: 1) Phycoerythrin, 2) Phycocyanin 3) Allophycocyanin. 4) 2. Conterstains: 1) Nuclear Fast Red 2) BC-50 3) Light Green 3. Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) 4. Eosin
Recommended Protocol: 1. Recommended maximum section thickness is 5-8 microns. Thicker sections may produce air pockets 2. Must apply Simpo-Mount when tissue is wet. Air bubbles may be formed when tissue is dry 3. Rinse slide with DISTILLED OR DEIONIZED WATER, touch the edges of slide on a paper towel to remove excess water and quickly wipe the back of the slide. 4. Invert dropper bottle to displace bubbles from the tip-end. 5. Squeeze out the first drop onto a paper towel to remove of air bubble on the tip. 6. Apply 3 drops of Simpo-Mount to cover the tissue section. DO NOT coverslip on top of the Simpo-Mount. 7. Rotate the slides to allow Simpo-Mount spread evenly to cover the tissue section. 8. Place slides horizontally in an oven at 40-50°C for at least 30 minutes or leave it at room temperature until slides are thoroughly dried. Slow dry at room temperature will help to eliminate the air bubbles. When use with fluorescent specimen, bake at 60-70°C for 20 minutes. 9. Hardened Simpo-Mount forms an impervious polymer barrier to organic solvent. 10. Allow sufficient time of drying slides before storage. 11. For maximum retention of fluorescence, slides should be kept in dark place at 4°C. 12. Do not use oil directly on the top of dried Simpo-Mount.
IHCWORLD的免疫组织化学染色的一种更加用户友好的方法。该托盘不仅适合需要潮湿箱的常规染色,而且是血液学,细胞学和微生物学实验室的理想选择。只用一只手就能使操作安全,容易。该StainTray™具有由坚韧的ABS塑料承受宽范围的化学品的黑色基。 当需要湿度时,轨道之间的井将牢固地容纳水而不会飞溅。塑料托盘上覆盖有聚合物条,即使将托盘倾斜放置,也能 完美固定幻灯片。提起滑轨不仅可以避免水接触滑片,还可以使滑片更容易取回。底座还将容纳从载玻片上滴落的多余污渍溶液。可以卸下排放塞,以更轻松地排空StainTray 。 四个橡胶支脚确保了更大的基础稳定性。单元可堆叠以节省空间。 提供两种封面:一个透明的盖子,便于目测。由PETG制成,温度范围为 -20ºC至60ºC。 一个黑色盖子荧光灯的工作。由ABS制成,温度范围为-80ºC至80ºC。