PSGro-Free® is designed for human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and human embryonic stem cells(ESCs). It is serum-free and chemically-defined as all of its ingredients are synthetic chemicals or purifiedrecombinant proteins. PSGro-Free® supports feeder-free growth and maintenance of human iPSCs or humanESCs on extra-cellular matrix proteins (e.g., BD Matrigel™). Its performance is comparable to or better than themarket-leading mTeSR™1 or E8 in growth rate, characteristic morphology, pluoripotent markers, normalkaryotype, and differentiation to different germ layers. The robustness and stability of PSGro-Free® enableseeding cells over the weekend without changing medium, so you have the weekend Free.
Content and Storage: Components | Size | Storage | Shelf Life |
Basal Medium (on gel ice) | 450 mL | 2 to 8°C. Keep from light | 6 months |
10x Supplement (dry ice) | 50 mL | -20°C or below. Keep from light | 6 months |
Additional key reagents required or suggestedExtracellular matrix proteins, such as Matrigel™ (BD, cat# 354277) or equivalentAccutase (Millipore, SCR005) or Collagenase IV (Invitrogen, 17104) or equivalentROCK inhibitor Y-27632 (StemRD, Y-01/-05/-25) or Thiazovivin (StemRD, Thia-01/-05/-25)
Medium Preparation1. Thaw PSGro-Free® Supplement overnight at 4°C. If desired, thawed Supplement can be aliquotedand stored at -20°C or below, but further freeze-thaw should be avoided.2. To make PSGro-Free® complete medium, add 1 part of Supplement to 9 parts of Basal Medium.3. Antibiotics can be added to the complete medium if so desired.4. Once made, PSGro-Free® complete medium is stable for 2 weeks when stored in dark at 2 to 8°C.
Coating plates with extracellular matrix proteins, such as Matrigel™Refer to manufacturers’ instructions. For BD Matrigel™, the following procedure can be followed:1. Thaw Matrigel™ on ice. Dilute Matrigel 1:50 with pre‐chilled DMEM medium.2. Immediately use the diluted Matrigel™ solution to coat tissue culture plates. For a 6‐well plate, use 1mL of diluted Matrigel™ solution per well, and swirl the plate to spread the solution evenly.3. Let the plate stand for 1 h at 37°C or overnight at 4°C.
Adaptation of growing feeder-free cells to PSGro-Free®Human iPSC or ESCs that have been grown in most commonly-used hiPSC/ESC media can be easilyadapted into PSGro-Free®. One round of 1:1 dilution of serum-containing or serum-free medium withPSGro-Free® is generally sufficient. However, for certain media and cell lines, a longer and moregraduate adaptation may be required.
Adaptation of growing feeder-dependent cells to PSGro-Free®1. Dissociate cells with Accutase, Collagenase IV or equivalent.2. Add the previously-used medium and gently scrape off cells as aggregates. The ideal aggregatesize is similar to other media and single cells from excessive pipetting may lower plating efficiency.3. Transfer the suspension with cell aggregates into a 15 ml tube.4. Centrifuge at 200 x g for 5 minutes at room temperature.5. Discard Matrigel™ solution, immediately add PSGro-Free® (e.g., 2 mL/well for a 6-well plate).6. After centrifugation, discard the supernatant, gently resuspend the pellet with 2 mL of thepreviously-used medium. Note: Adding ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 or Thiazovivin) to themedium is shown to increase the survival and plating efficiency.7. Transfer the cell aggregates in the previously-used medium to the wells with PSGro-Free®. Mix.Gently.8. Culturethe cells at 37°C, with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity.9. If cells are seeded on Friday, change medium on Monday to 4 mL PSGro-Free® (no need tochange over the weekend). If cells are seeded on other days during the week, change next day.
Recovery of frozen cells in PSGro-Free®1. Quickly thaw hiPSCs or hESCs in a 37°C water bath, transfer the contents to a 15 mL tube. Add 10mL of the medium previously-used for the cells drop-wise to the tube with gentle mixing.2. Centrifuge cells at 200 x g for 5 minutes at room temperature.3. Discard Matrigel™ solution, immediately add PSGro-Free® (e.g., 2 mL/well for a 6-well plate).4. After centrifugation, discard the supernatant, gently resuspend the pellet with 2 mL of thepreviously-used medium. Note: Adding ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 or Thiazovivin) to themedium is shown to increase the survival and plating efficiency.5. Transfer the cell aggregates in the previously-used medium to the plate with PSGro-Free®. Mixgently.6. Culture the cells at 37°C, with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity.7. Change medium to 4 mL PSGro-Free® next day.
Passaging cells in PSGro-Free® under feeder-free condition1. Look under microscope to identify regions of differentiation. Mark the differentiated colonies usinglens marker on the bottom of the plate (e.g., 6-well plate)2. Remove regions of differentiation by scraping with a pipette tip or by aspiration.3. Aspirate medium from the cell culture and rinse with PBS.4. Add 0.5 mL per well of Accutase or Collagenase IV. Let stand at room temp for 1 – 2 min.5. Remove Accutase, and gently rinse 2 – 3 times with 2 mL PSGro-Free® to remove remainingenzymes.6. Add 2 mL/well PSGro-Free® and scrape colonies off with a cell scraper.7. Transfer the detached cell aggregates to a 15 mL conical tube and rinse the well with an additional2 mL PSGro-Free® to collect any remaining aggregates.8. Centrifuge at 200 x g for 5 minutes at room temperature.9. Aspirate the supernatant. Resuspend pellet in 4 mL PSGro-Free® by pipetting gently. Note:Adding ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 or Thiazovivin) to the medium is shown to increase thesurvival and plating efficiency.10. Plate the cell aggregates with PSGro-Free® onto a new plate coated with Matrigel™.11. Culture the cells at 37°C, with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity. Change medium daily.12. If cells are seeded on Friday, change medium on Monday to 4 mL PSGro-Free® (no need tochange over the weekend). If cells are seeded on other days during the week, change next day.Note: If colonies are at an optimal density, cells can be split every 5 ‐ 7 days using 1:5 to 1:10 splits.
Cryopreservation of cells in PSGro-Free®1. Prepare freezing medium which contains 90% PSGro-Free® and 10% DMSO. Note: AddingROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 or Thiazovivin) to the medium is shown to increase the survival andplating efficiency.2. Perform steps 1 - 8 from Passaging cells in PSGro-Free® under feeder-free condition3. Gently aspirate the supernatant taking care to keep the cell pellet intact.4. Gently resuspend the pellet in freezing medium, taking care to leave the cell aggregates larger thanwould normally be done for passaging.5. Transfer 1 mL of cell aggregates in freezing medium into each labeled cryovial.6. Place vials into an isopropanol freezing container and place the container at ‐80°C overnight.7. Transfer to a liquid nitrogen tank the next day for long-term storage.