4000-520-616 / 18915418616

scarabgenomics/Non-acetylated Protein D

Introductory Pricing/Purified Protein, 20 mg/ProteinD-20



Protein D is a 42 kDa surface-exposed lipoprotein from Haemophilus influenzae that is conserved among H. influenzae strains. It is highly immunogenic and its ability to stimulate T-cell immunity with a low risk of interference from simultaneously administered vaccines makes it a strong carrier protein candidate. The 10-valent pneumonoccal conjugate vaccine PHiD-CV licensed in 2008 (Synflorix, GSK Vaccines) uses protein D in 8 out of 10 pneumonoccal serotypes.

Scarab Genomics’ Protein D is a recombinant form expressed in Clean Genome® E. coli, our proprietary platform.

SOURCEClean Genome® E. coli expressed recombinant Protein D



Scarab Genomics’ Protein D is exceptionally pure. Five replicates of Scarab’s Protein D were run on a Bis-Tris 4-12% gradient SDS polyacrylamide gel and stained with GelCode™ Blue, then purity assessed via gel scan. Average purity was 96.5%.

The sequence of Scarab Protein D was confirmed by amino acid sequencing and mass spectrometry (MS).Bioinformatics analysis of MS material revealed no post-translational modifications. Amino acid sequencing identified pure Protein D and found no norleucine incorporation. MS coverage was 92% (blue letters).

Protein D was stable for one month in storage buffer at -20oC (day 0 in each case), 4oC and 23oC. By 30 days, a slight decrease in Protein D band intensity was evident after incubation at 37oC.

Scarab’s Protein D is conjugation efficient Protein D lot 1 (PDlot1) and PDlot2 were almost as efficient in lysine conjugation as the carrier protein CRM197 and the control, BSA. Using Solulink’s ChromaLink™ Biotin conjugation assay, which uses a NHS ester reaction scheme to conjugate Biotin to primary amines (absorbance at 354 nm), we found at least 5 sites on Scarab’s Protein D that were accessible for conjugation. Far more of the 36 lysines in Protein D are likely accessible for conjugation but excessive attachment of ChromaLink Biotin causes conjugated proteins to be insoluble.


Quality Control

    ≥95% Protein D by SDS-PAGE
Concentration:1 mg/mL in 25mM triethanolamine, 150mM NaCl, pH7.4 via absorbance at 280 nm using an E0.1%=1.58 for a 1 mg/mL solution
Endotoxin:35 EU/mg of protein by the kinetic turbidimetric LAL method (maximum sensitivity = 0.01 EU/mL)

Grade: Protein D is for Research Use Only, Not for use in humans or as a diagnostic agent.

Storage Conditions:

  • Protein D is a 0.2 µm-filtered frozen solution of 1 mg/mL Protein D, 150mM NaCl, 25mM triethanolamine, pH 7.4. Store at -70°C upon receipt.
  • Repeated freeze-thaw cycles can degrade material. To minimize freeze-thaw cycles, aliquot Protein D to match desired use.
  • Handle product gently, DO NOT VORTEX.

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Patents & Disclaimers

Scarab is providing you with this Material subject to the non-transferable right to use the subject amount of the Material for your research at your academic institution. The Recipient agrees not to sell or otherwise transfer this Material, or anything derived or produced from the Material to a third party. NO RIGHTS ARE PROVIDED TO USE THE MATERIAL OR ANYTHING DERIVED OR PRODUCED FROM THE MATERIAL FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. If the Recipient makes any changes to the chromosome of the Material that results in an invention in breach of this limited license, then Scarab will have a worldwide, exclusive, royalty-free license to such invention whether patentable or not. If the Recipient is not willing to accept the terms of this limited license, Scarab is willing to accept return of this product with a full refund, minus shipping and handling costs. For information on obtaining a license to this Material for purposes other than research, please contact Scarab’s Licensing Department. Scarab Genomics’ technology is covered by the following Patent Applications: US, 15/122,891, PCT/US2016/25588 and their related foreign applications.Clean Genome® is a registered trademark of Scarab Genomics, LLC.

scarabgenomics的D-0710-100-10倍改良Korz培养基,100毫升 ***** 1个D-0710-1LK-10X改良Korz培养基,1000毫升 ***** 1个可重现的结果 –使用已知所有成分的特定培养基,而不是包含酵母提取物或酪蛋白水解物的不确定培养基,可以使结果紧密复制。降低监管负担 -由于Korz不包含任何动物来源的成分,因此不需要原产地证明。降低风险 –消除不确定的成分可大大降低与复杂生物相关的过程相关杂质的风险。为了简化基本培养基的使用,圣甲虫基因组公司提供了一个包含10倍改良Korz培养基和单独的50倍硫酸镁溶液的两组分试剂盒。将浓缩的基本培养基和相关的硫酸镁溶液稀释以创建1X培养基。然后必须添加碳源以支持细胞生长。我们建议使用相当于0.2%的葡萄糖。稀释的1X培养基(含碳源和适当的抗生素)用于摇瓶中的表达优化。在分批补料发酵中,相同的培养基也可用作“分批”阶段的培养基。通常,将碳源的水平调节至比摇瓶中使用的水平更高的水平,例如,当使用葡萄糖时,葡萄糖水平将增加至0.5%。圣甲虫的CleanGenome®菌株是专门为生产生物治疗性蛋白质和DNA而设计的。用于生物治疗生产的“最清洁”培养基是化学定义的最小培养基。因此,改良的Korz基本培养基已使用Scarab CleanGenome®菌株进行了广泛测试,以验证其支持细胞生长和重组蛋白生产的能力。Korz基本培养基最初被设计用于大肠杆菌的高密度分批补料发酵(Korz 等。1995)。培养基由磷酸盐缓冲液,镁,柠檬酸铁,微量元素组成。用户需要提供碳源。用于优化摇瓶表达的相同基础培养基也可用于分批补料发酵,从而在两个过程之间提供连续性。在分批补料发酵中,相同的培养基仅补充了较高的碳源含量。