4000-520-616 / 18915418616

The PromoCell 3D Tumorsphere Medium XF is a culture system developed for the standardized serial culture of cancer cell lines as tumorspheres/mammospheres. The formulation supports sustained cell proliferation allowing for serial passage of the 3D culture. Its serum-free and xeno-free formulation provides a culture environment devoid of all stimuli originating from non-defined materials.


The PromoCell 3D Tumorsphere Medium XF consists of a bottle of Basal Medium and one vial of SupplementMix. Adding the SupplementMix to the Basal Medium results in the complete medium.

Key features:

  • Establish 3D tumorsphere cultures directly from 2D cancer cell lines
  • Suitable for long-term routine culture of tumorspheres
  • Compatible with most commonly used cancer cell lines
  • Xeno-free and serum-free formulation

List of cell types tested for serial passage with the PromoCell 3D Tumorsphere Medium XF:

TissueTested Cell LinesCell Lines Origin
BrainU-87 MGgrade IV glioblastoma / astrocytoma of the human brain
BreastMCF-7pleural effusion of metastatic human breast adenocarcinoma
BreastMDA-MB-231pleural effusion of metastatic human breast adenocarcinoma (triple-negative)
ColonHT-29human colon adenocarcinoma
Connective tissueHT1080human fibrosarcoma
LiverHepG2hepatocellular carcinoma of the human liver
LungA-549human lung carcinoma
PancreasPanc-1epithelioid carcinoma of the human pancreatic duct
ProstateLNCaPlymph node metastasis of human prostate adenocarcinoma
SkinA-431epidermoid carcinoma of the human skin
Figure 1. HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells after 10 serial passages.
Figure 1. HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells after 10 serial passages.
Figure 2. Proliferation curves of various established cancer cell lines expanded by serial passage of 3D tumorsphere cultures.
Figure 2. Proliferation curves of various established cancer cell lines expanded by serial passage of 3D tumorsphere cultures.
Figure 3. Serial passage of MCF-7 cells in the 3D Tumorsphere Medium XF results in a significant increase of TFE from 2% in P1 to 28% in P9.
Figure 3. Serial passage of MCF-7 cells in the 3D Tumorsphere Medium XF results in a significant increase of TFE from 2% in P1 to 28% in P9.
Figure 4. List of some cell types successfully tested for serial passage with the PromoCell 3D Tumorsphere Medium XF.
Figure 4. List of some cell types successfully tested for serial passage with the PromoCell 3D Tumorsphere Medium XF.