Biotium/NucView 488 and MitoView 633 Apoptosis Assay Kit/30062/100-assays

This kit contains the NucView™488 Caspase-3 Substrate and the MitoView™633 mitochondrial dye. The kit provides a convenient tool for profiling apoptotic cells based on caspase-3 activity and changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential using either fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry.

This kit contains the NucView™488 Caspase-3 Substrate and the MitoView™633 mitochondrial dye. The kit provides a convenient tool for profiling apoptotic cells based on caspase-3 activity and changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential using either fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry. The bi-functional NucView™488 Caspase-3 Substrate is able to detect both intracellular caspase-3 and at the same time stain the cell nucleus, which is known to undergo morphological changes during apoptosis. MitoView™633 is a far-red fluorescent mitochondrial dye. The staining is dependent upon the mitochondrial membrane potential; thus, apoptotic cells exhibit a much lower MitoView™633 dye staining compared to healthy cells. Furthermore, the spectral separation of these two dyes minimizes fluorescence overlap.

Note: The optimal detection settings for MitoView™ 633 are the same as for Cy®5 and other far-red dyes. However, the dye also has visible red fluorescence and can be imaged using Cy®3 settings as well. As a consequence, the dye cannot be used for two-color imaging with other red probes.

See our full selection of NucView™ substrates and kits. For more information about NucView™, see the NucView flyer and reference list under the downloads tab, or see the NucView FAQs.

NucView™ enzyme substrate technology is covered by U.S. Patents.


Untreated Jurkat cells stained with the NucView 488 and MitoView 633 Apoptosis Kit. Healthy cells with intact mitochondrial membrane potential stain with far red MitoView 633 mitochondrial membrane potential dye (red), while apoptotic cells stain green with NucView 488 caspase-3 substrate, and do not stain with MitoView 633.
Untreated Jurkat cells stained with the NucView 488 and MitoView 633 Apoptosis Kit. Healthy cells with intact mitochondrial membrane potential stain with far red MitoView 633 mitochondrial membrane potential dye (red), while apoptotic cells stain green with NucView 488 caspase-3 substrate, and do not stain with MitoView 633.


1. Cen, et al. DEVD-NucView488: a novel class of enzyme substrates for real-time detection of caspase-3 activity in live cells. The FASEB Journal published online February 8, 2008.

2. Journal of Membrane Science (2014),

3. Journal of Membrane Science (2017),

Download a full list of references: Validated cell lines for NucView 488 with references


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