Hitobiotec/Hito Luxol Fast Blue GMA OptimStain™ Kit/50 ml/HTKNS1230


Myelin is a substance rich in lipids and proteins that forms a layer, the myelin sheath, around only the axon of a neuron and acts as insulation. To detect the myelin sheath of    peripheral nerves, the traditional method is to use osmic acid staining to obtain images for morphometrical assessment. However, osmic acid is extremely volatile and highly poisonous. It can fix corneas through vapor fixation which can lead to blindness. Inhalation of osmic acid can also lead to pulmonary edema and subsequent death, even at low exposure levels.

Hito Luxol Fast Blue GMA OptimStain™ Kit provides a safe and better alternative to osmic acid staining. The kit is designed based on Luxol fast >blue method, it is non-toxic and made in a ready-to-use format. This kit offers high quality, rapid staining of myelin sheath of peripheral nerves on the glycolmethacrylate embedded (GMA) sections,  proven to be reliable and sensitive to demonstrate the morphological details of myelin sheath of peripheral nerves. It is a simple solution for your research.

Kit Contents 
Solution-1 (5xConcentrate)50 ml
Solution-2 (5xConcentrate)50 ml
Solution-3 (Nuclear counter stain)30 ml
Dropper Bottle1
Staining Jars3
User Manual and MSDS1
Before using Hito Luxol Fast Blue GMA OptimStain™ Kit, please make sure you have the following Required Equipment / Materials in your lab (not included in the kit):1. Glycolmethacrylate embedded (GMA) sections on slides2. ethanol, xylene, double distilled or deionized water3. coverslips4. Staining jars for slides wash5. Resinous mounting medium

pdf Hito Luxol Fast Blue GMA OptimStain™ Kit Manual and MSDS

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Hito FluoAquaMount™安装套件包括Hito FluoAquaMount™安装介质和Hito DAPI核复染解决方案。Hito FluoAquaMount™固定介质是一种永久性的水性固定介质,用于固定已被荧光染料(例如荧光素标记的抗体)染色或标记的组织样本,细胞涂片和细胞纺丝,以备通过荧光显微镜观察。Hito FluoAquaMount™固定介质具有出色的抗褪色和抗光漂白特性,可在固定后很长时间内观察标本,并增强了在荧光显微镜下观察标本的可视性。盖玻片盖好后,Hito FluoAquaMount™安装介质将在4°C的小时内干燥和硬化,应在黑暗中于4°C存放。完全干燥的安装介质形成固体涂层,有助于处理和存储。盖玻片可以在2-3周后查看,而无需密封。为了长期存放和观察,应使用指甲油将盖玻片的边缘永久性地密封在周围。我们的覆盖培养基将荧光信号保存至少四个星期。Hito DAPI核复染溶液可用于免疫荧光实验中的核复染解决方案,它是您研究的简单解决方案。