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genlantis/Ozilla® Ozone Sterilizer Nest (Sterilizer Sold Separately)/110V/E4001OB -

Working With Ozone Gas
The Ozilla® Ozone Sterilizer Nest is a specially designed and manufactured sterilizer container for use with the Ozilla® Ozone Sterilizers (Catalog Numbers: E400110,E400220). The Ozilla Nest is airtight and allows safe and convenient sterilization of multiple laboratory items than can fit inside, such as pipettes, pipette tip boxes,glove boxes, lab coats, hair nets, and so much more. Just place the Ozilla Ozone Sterilizer device inside the unit and plug it into the female end of the extension cordon the inside. Plug the male end of the extension cord into an electric outlet to power the Ozilla Ozone Sterilizer, program the device, close the Ozilla Nest door, and now you are ready for sterilization (please carefully follow the instructions for the Ozilla Ozone Sterilizer device for proper and safe use of the unit).STERILIZER SOLD SEPARATELY

Features - BenefitsStainless Steel Interior, powder coated exterior - Durable and easy to clean surfacesLED lights - For easy visualization of items inside the Nest especially in dark environmentsBench top model - Convenient size allows bench top placement and useHeavy duty hinges and latch - Durable and sturdy for ease of operation and for keeping interior sealed* Disclaimer: Heavier concentrations of contaminants on items should be removed or wiped clean first before placing items inside the Ozilla Ozone Sterilizer Nest.ABORT ANY OZONE STERILIZATION CYCLE IF YOU SMELL OZONE GAS NEAR THE OZILLA NEST WHILE A STERILIZATION CYCLE IS PROCEEDING.†Genlantis makes no claims and offers no guarantees of any kind that the Ozilla Sterilizer will eliminate 100% of all contaminants under all circumstances. Wheneverand wherever possible, users should test an Ozilla sterilized area for presence of trace contaminants if absolute cleanliness is desired or required.SPECIFICATIONSExterior Size (Width x Depth x Height) 700 x 525 x 590 mm (27.5 x 20.7 x 23.2 inches)Interior Size (Width x Depth x Height) 500 x 500 x 500 mm (19.7 x 19.7 x 19.7 inches)Weight / Shipping Weight 50 kg (121 lbs.) / 70 kg (154 lbs.)LED Light 12 Watts


Ozilla® Ozone Sterilizer Nest Catalog E4001OBShipping and StorageThe Ozilla Ozone Sterilizer Nest is shipped in a crate at room temperature. Store on a lab bench away from water sources to avoid rusting.Related ProductsOzilla® Ozone Sterilizer, 110V E400110Ozilla® Ozone Sterilizer, 220V E400220Ozilla® Ozone Gas Detector, rechargeable, 1 each E4001GDBioCooler™ Cold Box , 48 vials E100100BioCooler™ Cell Storage Box, 42 vials E100200Mini BioCooler™ Cold Box, 8 x 1.5 ml tubes E100300BioCooler Midi Cold Box, 12 x 2.0 ml tubes E100500Dr. Spin™ Personal Centrifuge-Blue E200100Dr. Spin™ Personal Centrifuge-Teal E200200Dr. Spin™ Personal Centrifuge-Purple E200300

Lab Sterilization, Sanitation, and Decontamination

No matter how hard-pressed you are in the lab, ensuring that your cleanliness and sterilization procedures are up to scratch is essential. Cloudy media, ruined samples and strange results caused by contaminants are just some of the problems that can be caused by failure to keep your workspace, equipment and samples sanitized. And each time it happens it costs you valuable time and resources. Here are some of the most common ways to keep contamination under control, and save you a lot of grief down the road:

General Lab Bench Sterilization

For quick sterilization of surfaces and equipment, cleaning with a solvent such as ethanol or isopropanol is a convenient option. These solvents work by rupturing the cells and denaturing the cellular proteins. The rupturing is caused by osmosis and requires water, which is why diluted rather than neat solvent is used. Solvents are good for decontaminating microbes, and viruses, but are not effective against spores or tough enzymes like RNases.Autoclaving is a good option for sterilizing solutions and heat-resistant equipment. Autoclaves kill microbes by hydrolysis and coagulation of cellular proteins, using intense heat from pressurized steam. They do an excellent job of killing microbes, spores and viruses but are only partially effective against RNases and can cause problems with certain solutions containing sugars, phosphates, metals and amino acids.

Autoclaving Alternatives

The latest option for sterilizing your lab and equipment is the Ozilla Ozone Sterilizer. It uses ozone gas to eliminate 100% of pathogenic organisms from everything from plasticware, pipettes to safety glasses, and sensitive electronics.The Genlantis Ozilla™ is a high quality and purpose-built ozone gas generator.* When used properly, it is able to eliminate airborne and surface contaminants and germs. The Ozilla sterilizer is easy and safe to use, and has a novel "scrubbing" technology that removes all ozone gases at the end of each sterilization cycle, by converting ozone gas back to oxygen. As an added advantage, the Ozilla air sterilizer will leave your room or cabinet odor-free and smelling fresh, clean, and ready for your next usage.Ozone Kill List.pdf

Ozilla Ozone Sterilizer Stopped my Nightmares!

For those doing tissue culture, the most distressful nightmare is contamination. Cleaning the incubators, hoods, etc. is time-consuming, challenging and you never know if it will work. Besides, bleach smells awful and is hazardous. Ozilla saved the day. This portable ozone sterilizer fits inside the incubators and hoods and in the blink of an eye, the contamination is gone. You can even sterilize the whole room (we do it once a week). We have used it with great success, not just in the tissue culture room, but also in the animal procedure room (without animals) and even in our offices, which smell fresh afterwards.If you have problems with contamination, Ozilla is the solution.Antonio De Maio, Ph.D.RNases are ubiquitous, tough enzymes that can cause endless problems for researchers working with RNA, so ensuring that work-area, equipment and solutions used for RNA work are RNase-free is essential. The first step is to set aside a dedicated RNase-free work area and regularly decontaminate it. This can be done by washing with 0.5% SDS, then RNase-free water and then ethanol and allowing it to dry. RNases are very thermostable so autoclaving is not sufficient to completely eliminate them. Instead, plasticware should be cleaned with 0.1 M NaOH, 1 mM EDTA and rinsed with RNase-free water. Heat-resistant equipment, like glassware, should be baked at 240oC for 4 hours. Certified nuclease-free tubes, tips, gloves and other consumables are available and are a worthwhile investment.


RNase-free solutions can be made by adding a 0.1M dilution of DEPC prior to autoclaving. The DEPC will covalently modify and strongly (but not completely) inhibit RNases in the solution. But no matter how thorough you are with all of the above preparations, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate RNases. So a good catch-all is to use an RNase inhibitor in your solutions, and there are many of these on the market.For siRNA transfection, most RNase inhibitors are unsuitable since they can interfere with the transfection so siGuard™, an RNase inhibitor that is specifically designed for siRNA transfection, is a must-have.

Mycoplasma Decontamination

Mycoplasma infections can cause huge problems in eukaryotic cell cultures. The threat of mycoplasma contamination can be minimized by practicing good sterile technique, quickly identifying and decontaminating infected cultures. The most prudent way to limit the possibility of mycoplasma contamination is to use gloves and lab coats and do all work in a laminar flow hood. A regular cleaning schedule is essential; the hood and incubators should be thoroughly disinfected with 70% ethanol or bleach once per week. The hood should also be disinfected between each use.

Mycoplasma Detection

Early detection of any mycoplasma-infected cultures is essential to prevent it from spreading to other cultures and worsening the problem, and this can be done using mycoplasma detection kits like the MycoScope PCR Detection Kit, which can quickly detect even trace amounts of mycoplasma in your cell culture quickly and easily.

Mycoplasma Treatment

Once detected, mycoplasma-infected cells should be treated immediately. Traditionally, this has involved discarding the culture after disinfecting with Virkon®, glutaraldehyde or similar. However antibiotic cocktails such as MycoGONE Mycoplasma Antibiotics Cocktail are now available, which can completely eliminate mycobacterial infection even in heavily contaminated cultures, without having any effect on the cultured cell line.
Powerful and EffectiveOzone gas is an effective killing agent against many contaminants and germs such as bacteria, phage, and fungus.Here is a partial list of all of the different organisms that ozone gas has been proven to kill:BacteriaAchromobacter butyri NCI-9404Aeromonas harveyi NC-2Aeromonas salmonicida NC-1102Bacillus anthracisBacillus cereusBacillus coagulansBacillus globigiiBacillus licheniformisBacillus megaterium sp.Bacillus paratyphusBacillus prodigiosusBacillus subtilisBacillus stearothermophilusClostridium botulinumClostridium sporogenesClostridium tetaniCorynebacterium diphtheriaeEberthella typhosaEscherichia coli K-12Escherichia coli BFlavobacterium SP A-3Legionella pneumophilaLeptospira canicolaListeria sp.Micrococcus candidusMicrococcus caseolyticus KM-15Micrococcus sphaeroidesMycobacterium lepraeMycobacterium tuberculosisMycoplasma spp.Neisseria catarrhalisPhytomonas tumefaciensProteus vulgarisPseudomonas aeruginosaPseudomonas fluorescens (biofilms)Pseudomonas putidaSalmonella choleraesuisSalmonella enteritidisSalmonella typhimuriumSalmonella typhosaSalmonella paratyphiSarcina luteaSerratia marcescensShigella dysenteriaeShigella flexneriShigella paradysenteriaeSpirillum rubrumStaphylococcus albusStaphylococcus aureusStreptococcus CStreptococcus faecalisStreptococcus hemolyticusStreptococcus lactisStreptococcus salivariusStreptococcus viridansVibrio alginolyticus Vibrio anguillarumVibrio choleraeVibrio commaVibrio ichthyodermis NC-407Vibrio parahaemolyticusFungus & MoldAlternaria solaniAspergillus candidusAspergillus flavus (yellowish-green)Aspergillus glaucus (bluish-green)Aspergillus niger (black)Aspergillus terreusAspergillus saitoiAspergillus oryzaeBotrytis alliiBotrytis cinereaColletotrichum lagenariumFusarium oxysporumGeotrichum sp.Monilinia fruiticolaMonilinia laxaMucor racemosus A & B (white-gray)Mucor piriformisOospora lactis (white)Penicillium cyclopiumPenicillium chrysogenumPenicillium citrinumPenicillium digitatum (olive)Penicillium glaucumPenicillium expansum (olive)Penicillium egyptiacumPenicillium roqueforti (green)Pythium ultimumPhytophthora erythrosepticaPhytophthora parasiticaRhizoctonia solaniRhizopus nigricans (black)Rhizopus stoloniferSclerotium rolfsiiSclerotinia sclerotiorumThamnidium sp.Trichoderma virideVerticillium albo-atrumVerticillium dahliaeVirusAdenovirus (type 7a)Bacteriophage T1 (E.coli)Coxsackie A9, B3, & B5Vesicular StomatitisEchovirus 1, 5, 12, &29EncephalomyocarditisHepatitis AHIVInfectious hepatitisInfluenzaPoliovirus (Poliomyelitis) 1, 2 & 3RotavirusTobacco mosaicProtozoaCryptosporidium parvumCyrptosporidium sp.Giardia lambliaGiardia murisParameciumNematode eggsAll Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic forms of Protozoa Entamoeba histolyticaYeastBakers yeastCandida albicans-all formsCommon yeast cakeSaccharomyces cerevisiaeSaccharomyces ellipsoideusSaccharomyces sp.Torula rubraAlgaeChlorella vulgaris* These organisms may still require additional non-ozone remediation treatment for complete removal. Ozone gas has little effect on air-dried spores or spores in liquid mediumOzilla-Product-Info.pdfOzone Kill List.pdfOzone-Kill-List.pdfOzilla MSDS.pdf
Genlantis是Gene Therapy Systems,Inc.的子公司,位于加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥。Genlantis为全球生命科学家设计,开发和商业化生物试剂。该公司专注于蛋白质组学中蛋白质表达系统的开发,以及用于体外和体内应用的高效递送技术。Genlantis提供全面的特种生命科学系统和产品线,包括用于基因传递和质粒DNA 的GenePORTER® 转染产品,用于在哺乳动物细胞中抑制基因的siRNA传递的GeneSilencer®试剂,用于优化原代转染的NeuroFECT™试剂神经元和NeuroPure™原代神经元细胞。