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genlantis/CloneCatcher™ Gold DH5G Electrocompetent E. coli/Gold DH5G, 20 ul x 10 reactions/C810111


Genlantis Introduces The Highest Efficiency Electrocompetent Cells Ever!

  • CloneCatcher Gold with a guaranteed minimum efficiency between 8 x 1010 and 1.2 x 1011
  • Construct libraries of greater complexity than ever before (see Figure 1)
  • Library construction possible with small amounts of input DNA
  • Use less topoisomerase-loaded vector and reduce overall cost
  • Convenient single-use-tubes
  • Super-fast 10 minute protocol

Figure 1. The proof is on the plates! (Click on image to enlarge)

Figure 1: CloneCatcher™ Gold DH5G Electrocompetent E. coli versus major competitors.One µl of T4-ligated-DNA library electroporated into CloneCatcher DH5G cells and competitor cells following each manufacturer’s instructions:Plate 1. ElectroTen-Blue from AgilentPlate 2. MegaX DH10B™ from Life TechnologiesPlate 3. NEB 5-alpha from New England BioLabsPlate 4. E. cloni®10G SUPREME from LucigenPlate 5 and 6.CloneCatcher™ Gold DH5G Electrocompetent E. coli from Genlantis

Transferring exogenous DNA into E. coli is a standard laboratory method for cloning genes and constructing cDNA, genomic and epitope libraries. The limiting factor in many library-screening efforts or multiple fragment ligations is the efficiency by which DNA can be introduced into E. coli.Electroporation is one method to efficiently introduce DNA into E. coli.

For many years now, Genlantis scientists have been creating and improving methods for producing increased efficiency bacterial cells.Current and proprietary methods have allowed us to rapidly create and test new strains that are task specific.The resulting mutants have optimized performance profiles that produced substantially enhanced results.

Figure 2. Relative efficency of electroporations using T4-ligated DNA library (Click on image to enlarge)

Figure 2: A plasmid library was prepared using 100 ng of vector, a 4x molar ratio of insert, and T4 ligase.The reaction was incubated overnight at 15ºC, then purified using a Qiaquick PCR purification kit.One µl of the ligation mix was electroporated into CloneCatcher DH5G and competitors cells following manufacturers’ conditions.25 µl of the final 1 ml recovery volume were plated on LB carbenicillin plates and incubated at 37ºC overnight.Relative efficiencies were calculated based on the average number of clones produced on duplicate plates.

Genlantis is pleased to introduce the highest performing electrocompetent cells ever created: the CloneCatcher™ DH5G Electrocompent E. coli. CloneCatcher DH5G Gold Electrocompetent E. coli exhibits extremely high electroporation efficiencies that approach the theoretical maximum of 3.4 x 1011 cfu/µg pUC19 DNA.These electrocompetent cells meet the needs of scientists that are seeking to find rare clones or are building complex or metagenomic libraries. CloneCatcher DH5G siqnificantly outperforms competitors when introducing ligated DNA. When input DNA is limiting, CloneCatcher DH5G enhances the likelihood of success.

Figure 3. Electrocompetent E. coli efficiency and cost comparison (Click on image to enlarge)

Figure 3: Efficiency and cost per reaction comparison between CloneCatcher Electrocompetent E. coli and major competitors. CloneCatcher Gold has the highest efficiencies possible and Silver DH5S cells offer the best performance/value available.

All CloneCatcher Electrocompetent cells are provided in a convenient single use package so efficiency-robbing freeze-thaw cycles are eliminated, and users can get the best possible results every time.Win the race to discover new clones by ordering your CloneCatcher cells today.


CloneCatcher™ Gold DH5GElectrocompetent E. coli,10 x 20 µl,Plating Medium 2 x 6.0 ml, pUC19 Positive Control Plasmid 20.0 μl (10 pg/μl) – C810111Inquire for bulk amounts and custom packaging

Shipping and Storage

CloneCatcher Electrocompetent cells are shipped frozen on dry ice.For maximum product performance, store cells at -80ºC upon receipt, and avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles before use.

† Patents pending

CloneCatcher Manuals

CloneCatcher DH5G Gold Cat# C810111 (pdf)
Genlantis是Gene Therapy Systems,Inc.的子公司,位于加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥。Genlantis为全球生命科学家设计,开发和商业化生物试剂。该公司专注于蛋白质组学中蛋白质表达系统的开发,以及用于体外和体内应用的高效递送技术。Genlantis提供全面的特种生命科学系统和产品线,包括用于基因传递和质粒DNA 的GenePORTER® 转染产品,用于在哺乳动物细胞中抑制基因的siRNA传递的GeneSilencer®试剂,用于优化原代转染的NeuroFECT™试剂神经元和NeuroPure™原代神经元细胞。