- Efficient inhibition of RNase activity
- No interference with transfection
- Stability under a broad range of transfection conditions
- Sterile, DNase- and RNase-free
siGuard™ RNase Inhibitor is specially designed to prevent degradation of siRNA samples by RNase. It is non-toxic to cells and is proven to be effective for siRNA transfection (see figure below). When siGuard™ RNase Inhibitor is used as part of the siRNA transfection procedure, you are less likely have problems associated with RNase contamination.
ContentEach vial contains 100 units of siGuard™ RNase Inhibitor in 100µl solution.
StorageThe siGuard™ RNase Inhibitor is shipped frozen and should be stored at -20ºC upon receipt. If stored properly, all components are stable for 6 months.