4000-520-616 / 18915418616

enogene/Annexin V-EGFP Apoptosis Detection Kit/100T/EBA12100


Annexin V-EGFP Apoptosis Detection Kit PDF

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  • Brief Intro:

    he Annexin V-EGFP Apoptosis Detection Kit is based on the separated observation of different time of apoptosis cells. The most phosphatidylserines (PS) in cell membrane phospholipids translocate from the inner face to the outer face in the early period of apoptosis. Once PSs are on the plasma membrane surface, it can be easily detected by staining with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fusion with annexin V, a protein that has strong natural affinity with PS. In addition, Propidium Iodide (PI) is a nucleic dye. It cannot be through cellular membrane directly, but it can pass membrane of cells in middle and late period of apoptosis and stain them red on nuclei. Detection can be analyzed by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy with a FITC filter. EGFP is brighter and much more photo-stable than other fluorescent reagents such as FITC, etc.KEY FEACTURE●Easy to perform: rapid and simple procedures to perform ●High Precision: detect the cells in the early period of apoptosis, accurately differentiate and compute the ratio of normal cells, apoptosis cells and necrotic cells.High Stabilization: EGFP has high signals, hard to quench.
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  • Experimental Methods:

    Annexin V-EGFP Apoptosis Detection Kit PROTOCOLA. Incubation of suspension cells with Annexin V-EGFP 1. Induce apoptosis by a desired method. 2. Collect 1~5x105 suspension cells by centrifugation at 2000 rpm for 5 min, or collect adherent cells by using trypsin without EDTA. 3. Wash cells twice with PBS (centrifugation at 2000 rpm for 5 min) 4. Resuspend cells in 500 µl Binding Buffer. 5. Add 5µl of Annexin V-EGFP and 5µl of propidium iodide (PI), and mix, respectively.5. Incubate at room temperature for 5~15 min ,away from light . Proceed as follow as C or D depending on method of analysis.B. Incubation of adherent cells with Annexin V-EGFPFor adherent cells, there are two methods.a.Enzyme digest1.Collect 1~5x105 adherent cells by using trypsin without EDTA. After digested, cells were kept in culture medium with serum to prevent trypsin further digest. 2.The follow procedures are the same as Step A3~A5.b.Directly Observation 1.Culture cells on a coverslip, and induce apoptosis with proper inducer directly. Set negative control.2.Rinse samples twice with PBS3.Add 5µl Annexin V-EGFP and 5µl Propidium Iodide into 500µl Binding Buffer, mix.4.Add the mixed reagent above on the coverslip and make it uniform. 5.Incubate in wet and dark surrounding for 5min.C. Detection by Fluorescence Microscopy 1. Place the stained cells from Step A.5, or Step B.b.5 on a glass slide. Cover the cells with a coverslip. 2. Observe the cells under a fluorescence microscope using a dual filter for FITC and rhodamine. Cells which have been bound with Annexin V-EGFP will show green in the plasma membrane. Cells which have lost membrane integrity will show red (PI) throughout the nucleus and a halo of green staining (EGFP) on the cell surface (plasma membrane). D. Quantification by Flow Cytometry Analyze Annexin V-EGFP binding by flow cytometry (Ex =488 nm; Em =530nm) using FITC signal detector (usually FL1) and PI staining by the phycoerythrin emission signal detector (usually FL2). Fluorescence Balance: normal cells as the control, balance fluorescence to reduce spectrum overlapping and set the situation of orientation system.

      EnoGene定制单克隆抗体●由客户提供或在EnoGene生产的抗原(重组蛋白,肽或其他)●EnoGene将使SP2 / 0与1只小鼠脾细胞融合,其中脾脏细胞具有5种免疫力最佳的ELISA效价的5只免疫BALB / c小鼠●通常在4-6个月●客户可以要求其中一种产品才能最终交付: -2种小鼠杂交瘤 -2种小鼠杂交瘤加上2-5mg蛋白A / G纯化腹水 的小鼠IgG-2对配对的小鼠杂交瘤加上2-5mg的小鼠IgG用于夹心ELISA(仅适用于蛋白质抗原)●保证ELISA效价达到> 10,000。从...开始至2个小鼠杂交瘤 2个小鼠杂交瘤和2-5mg蛋白A / G纯化的小鼠IgG2个杂交瘤和纯化的IgG配对用于夹心ELISA数量质控数据码CL那我知道客户的肽抗原〜5毫克HPLC纯度> 85%MS校正MW上-查询(17-19周)咨询(20-22周)查询(仅限PR-)(28-30周)客户的蛋白质抗原〜5毫克通过SDS-PAGE> 90%的纯净和正确分子量公关肽序列(EnoGene的肽合成)〜10毫克HPLC纯度> 85%MS校正MW聚苯乙烯查询(19-21周) 查询(22-24周) 蛋白质序列(EnoGene的肽设计和合成)局部放电cDNA克隆(EnoGene的蛋白质生产)〜10毫克通过SDS-PAGE> 90%的纯净和正确分子量光盘查询(22-24周)咨询(25-27周) 查询(33-35周)