4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Diatheva/Mouse Anti HIV-I Rev (Clone 6)/50 µg/ANT0060



Three major regions of the Rev protein are required for it to help HIV replication: an RNA binding region, an oligomerization region, and a Nuclear Export Signal. The RNA binding region interacts with a part of the viral RNA called the Rev-Responsive Element (RRE). A small (∼30 nucleotides) binding site within this element has a high affinity for Rev, forming a larger complex. The RNA binding region of Rev forms an alpha helix that docks into a complementary groove in the high affinity binding site on RRE . Adding more Rev proteins onto the RRE results in the formation of a series of larger complexes, but where these additional Rev molecules bind is not known yet. The one exception is a weak secondary Rev binding site that has been identified adjacent to the high affinity site.

Additional information

Size50 µg
ApplicationClinical diagnostics| Life Sciences
Product typeReagents for research
Reagent typeAntibody
SubcategoryMouse monoclonal IgG1 with a k light chain
Antibody typePrimary antibody
ImmunogenHIV-1 Rev recombinant protein His-6 Tag (Clade B, HXB-3 isolate)

Technical information

Size50 µg
PurityPurified from supernatants of hybridoma cell cultures by affinity chromatography
FormLiquid. Supplied in 100mM sodium citrate, 50mM Tris and 0.05% v/v glycerol. Neutral pH.
Shipping/storage conditionsShipped at 2-8°C. When stored at +4°C the antibody is stable for 18 months. For extended storage up to 24 months, the solution may be frozen at -20°C in working aliquots. Avoid repested freezing and thawing cycles.
UsageFor Laboratory Research Use Only
SpecificityREV protein from HIV-1 virus in human specimens
React withREV HIV-1 viral protein
Recommended dilutionsRecommended starting dilutions can vary lot-to-lot. Consult the suggested starting dilutions on the top of the page for lot specific values.




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Information request

    Diatheva多病原体富集培养基500克在分离程序之前,可以使用多病原体富集培养基肉汤富集食品样品中的沙门氏菌,单核 细胞增生李斯特菌和大肠杆菌O157。沙门氏菌,单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌和大肠杆菌O157被公认为是主要的食源性病原体,因为它们继续与诸如乳制品之类的高度受欢迎的食品相关联。最重要的是,这些病原体具有很高的流行率和死亡率,并参与了最近的几次暴发(Lynch等,2006)。多病原体富集培养基可提供营养物质和稳定的pH条件,以提高单核细胞增生李斯特菌沙门氏菌的回收率  。和大肠杆菌O157细胞。
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