4000-520-616 / 18915418616




The BioPulverizer quickly fragments hard frozen tissue samples into tiny pieces the size of grains of sand or course powder. The primary benefit of pulverizing pieces of tissue is to optimize subsequent rapid and complete cell lysis using lytic solutions or mechanical homogenizers. For difficult tissues such as tendon, skin, and tumors it is an essential step (read more). The BioPulverizer is also used at room temperature to fragment friable, dry biomaterial such as non-oily seeds, bone and teeth.There are four different hand-operated BioPulverizers for quickly pulverizing 10 mg to 10 g of frozen tissue.

Cat. No. 59012N, BioPulverizer, capacity 10-100mgCat. No. 59013N, BioPulverizer, capacity 0.1-1gCat. No. 59014N, BioPulverizer, capacity 1-10gCat. No. 59012MS, MultiSample BioPulverizer, 12 wells, capacity 10-100mg per well*

*Twelve pestles are included with each 59012MS.

Our Price : $0.00

The BioPulverizer reduces tissue hard-frozen in liquid nitrogen to a fine powder. Because of the high water content, most fresh tissue becomes as brittle as glass at liquid nitrogen temperatures. A sharp blow with a hammer will shatter it into tiny pieces. Called freeze-fracturing or cryopulverization, the method is especially useful for preparing tough, fibrous tissues such as skin, cartilage, cornea, etc. for subsequent rapid cell disruption using other techniques. The Bio-Pulverizer consists of a hole machined in a stainless steel base into which fits a special piston, or pestle. In a typical procedure, up to 10 g of animal or plant tissue is hard-frozen in liquid nitrogen and placed in the pre-chilled BioPulverizer. The piston delivers a blow to the brittle tissue reducing it to powder.

Cryopulverization with the Bio-Pulverizer is also useful for extracting labile tissue metabolites.  And, for affinity proteomics studies, cryogrinding with a bead mill such as our MiniBeadbeater is the preferred way to disrupt cells for recovery of native protein complexes (see Biotechniques 58:103-119 (Mar 2015)).

How The BioPulverizer Works...

The 59012 MS Multi-Well BioPulverizer is made of stainless steel.  The mass of the stainless steel will retain the cold long enough for you to complete your pulverization without adding additional liquid nitrogen.  After being cooled to liq N2 temperatures, samples of hard frozen tissue are added to each of the 12 wells. One-by-one, a stainless steel pestle is inserted into each well and given a blow with the provided hammer.  After removing the pestle, the cylindrical stainless steel sleeve is lifted off the base or platform, thus making accessible the hard frozen, powdered tissue remaining in a shallow well of the base.  Working quickly, the still frozen powdered tissue is removed with a spatula and transferred to a user-provided tube for processing in a buffer or nucleic acid extraction media.

Size 7
Color Green
  • Type 316 stainless steel.
  • Four sizes available.
  • Hammer provided.
  • Requires access to dry ice or, preferably, about 200 ml of liquid nitrogen.
biospec的Beadbeater(珠磨机)细胞破碎机珠磨(Beadbeating)是用于破坏组织细胞和微生物以回收和分析细胞内蛋白质,核酸和细胞器的首选常规实验室方法。它快速,高效且非常生物安全。有时建议使用附件来控制细胞破裂期间的样品加热。最早于1979年引入研发实验室的BioSpec Products生产五种型号的Beadbeater。每个都针对不同的样品大小和样品瓶容量进行了优化。根据所选择的模型,一个下午可以轻松处理20到2000个样品。根据磁珠的机械搅拌方式,将模型分为三类:从每个Beadbeater模型获得的最终结果非常相似。的NEW SoniBeast ™珠磨机使用专利申请中的珠混合技术。与市场上传统的珠磨机类型的细胞破碎仪(包括我们的MiniBeadbeaters)相比,它提供了更快的细胞破碎能力(最高10倍),并且旨在处理较小的样品。SoniBeast的容量为十二个0.6 ml微型管或三个2 ml微型瓶。 Mini-Beadbeater ™细胞破坏器有四种型号。全部使用标准的3/4“-1”,来回(从上到下)摇动以及“ figure-8”模式,并且经过精心设计,可以在组内提供协议兼容。新的MBB1-Plus一次可处理一个2 ml的小瓶。的MBB-16和MBB-24细胞破坏剂具有多瓶的能力和可以同时使用2位和7毫升microvials。高通量MBB-96可处理一个或两个深孔微孔板,可容纳多达45个微瓶的样品架或可容纳两个50 ml螺帽管的样品架。这组干扰物的可接受样本量为1毫克至1.5克(湿重)组织或堆积细胞。  Mini-Beadbeater的摇动能量等于或超过所有竞争品牌的摇动式珠磨机。钍ë 珠磨器 ™是一个更大容量的珠磨器即可以在进程微生物或单细胞植物或动物细胞的10-80克(湿重)。快速旋转的铁氟龙转子可以摇晃珠子,而不是摇晃运动,它可以在密封的腔室内搅动珠子。它通常用于破坏细胞悬液,例如酵母或细菌,以产生天然或表达的细胞内蛋白。与实验室中使用的其他大多数细胞破坏方法不同,“ Beadbeater方法”可轻松扩展至中试工厂和全面生产水平。