BD Biosciences/Purified Mouse Anti-Human CD10/20 μL/347500

品牌:BD Biosciences
Product DetailsRecommended AssayReferences


The CD10 antibody, clone W8E7, is derived from the hybridization of P3-X63-Ag8.653 mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells of BALB/c mice immunized with blasts from a patient with non-T ALL.

The CD10 antibody (Anti-CALLA) recognizes a human common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (CALLA), with a molecular weight of 100 kilodaltons (kDa). The CD10 antigen is identical to human membrane–associated neutral endopeptidase (NEP; EC, also known as enkephalinase.

Preparation and Storage

Store vials at 2°C–8°C. Conjugated forms should not be frozen. Protect from exposure to light. Each reagent is stable until the expiration date shown on the bottle label when stored as directed.

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