BD Biosciences/Reticulocyte Reagent System/349204

品牌:BD Biosciences
Product DetailsRecommended AssayReferences


BD Retic-COUNT™ reagent is intended for determining reticulocytes as a percentage of total erythrocytes in human peripheral blood by a FACSCalibur™, FACSort™, FACScan™, or FACStrak™ flow cytometer. The Retic-COUNT reagent is for in vitro diagnostic use.

Preparation and Storage

1. For in vitro diagnostic use.

2. The Retic-COUNT reagent is light sensitive and must be stored in the dark at 2° to 8°C. Avoid unnecessary exposure of the reagent or reagent/cell mixture to light.

3. Incubation time or temperatures other than those specified can be a source of error.

4. The reagent bottle must be kept well sealed when not in use.

5. When stored at 2° to 8°C, the reagent is stable until the expiration date shown on the label. Do not use after the expiration date.

6. WARNING: The reagent solution contains a nucleotide-reactive material and can be carcinogenic. Handle with care. Avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes.7. The Retic-COUNT reagent contains sodium azide as a preservative; however, care should be taken to avoid microbial contamination, which can cause erroneous results."

  1. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture: Approved Standard. Villanova, PA: National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards; 1991. NCCLS document H3-A3.

  2. Ferguson D, Lee S-F, Gordon, P. Evaluation of reticulocyte counts by flow cytometry in a routine laboratory. Am J Hematol. 1990;33:13-17.

  3. Gustavsson P, Holm J, Wahlen A, et al. Staging of idiopathic myelofibrosis: significance of haemoglobin values and reticulocyte counts. Acta Med Scan. 1985;218:487-91.

  4. Hillman R, Finch C. Erythropoiesis: normal and abnormal. Semin Hematol. 1972;4:327-48.

  5. Jackson A, Warner N. Preparation, staining, and analysis by flow cytometry of peripheral blood leukocytes. In: Rose N, Friedman H, Fahey J, eds. Manual of Clinical Laboratory Immunology. 1986:226-235.

  6. Koepke J, Koepke J. Review: reticulocytes. Clin Lab Haem. 1986;8:169-80.

  7. Lee L, Chen C, Chiu L. Thiazole Orange: a new dye for reticulocyte analysis. Cytometry. 1986;7:508.

  8. Lewis R, Sweet D, ed. Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS). 1983-1984 Cumulative Supplement to the 1981-1982 Edition VI, US DHHS, 1985 (NIOSH Publication 86-103).

  9. Lichtman M, ed. Hematol for Practitioners. Boston: Little Brown & Co; 1978.

  10. Miale J. Laboratory Medicine Hematology. 5th ed. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby, Co; 1977.

  11. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Clinical Applications of Flow Cytometry: Quality Assurance and Immunophenotyping of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes; Tentative Guideline. (H42-T). 1992

  12. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Proposed Standard: Method for Reticulocyt eCounting (H16-P). Villanova, PA: The National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.

  13. Savage R, Skoog D, Rabinovich A. Analytical inaccuracy and imprecision in reticulocyte counting: a preliminary report from the College of American Pathologists Reticulocyte Project. Blood Cells. 1985;11:97-112.

  14. Tanke H, Rothbarth P, Vossen J, et al. Flow cytometry of reticulocytes applied to clinical hematology. Blood. 1983;61:1091-97.

  15. Tanke H, Van Vianen P, Emiliani F, et al. Changes in erythropoiesis due to radiation or chemotherapy as studied by flow cytometric determination of peripheral blood reticulocytes. Histochem. 1986;84:544-48.

  16. Williams W, Beutler E, Erslev A, Lichtman M. Hematology. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1983

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