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瑞士巴亨公司(BaChem)——BaChem是世界上合成多肽产品zui大zui著名的生产企业。其总部设在瑞士(Bubendorf),二个生产厂位于瑞士和美国加利福尼亚州。巴亨公司的产品除了提供医药生产用的GMP级多肽产品外,还包括7000多种供给实验室研究所应用的多肽片段、保护氨基酸、酶阻遏剂、生物免疫产品,以及免疫诊断学试剂。 BaChem标准品部分目录如下: H-
Details P2Ca, an octapeptide derived from α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase isolated from tissues of H-2d mice. P2Ca is recognized in association with the class I MHC protein, Ld, by a CTL clone (2C). Item Number4101924One Letter CodeLSPFPFDLMolecular ...
2019-01-24 阅读量(14)
Bachem is continuously expanding and updating its extensive range of products for your research purposes. We are pleased to present our latest products: Global Director Product Management violeta.jordan@bachem.com cell +1 310 619.07.51 Contac...
2019-02-09 阅读量(9)
Details GHRP-2 was studied in rats and produced a large plasma GH response in the presence of exogenous GH-releasing factor. This response was significantly augmented when somatostatin-antiserum was present. The hexapeptide was tested as diagnostic ...
2019-02-14 阅读量(29)
Details Membrane-permeable inhibitor of Aβ (1-40) fibrillogenesis. Item Number4095735APC Number62-0-19SynonymsAc-Lys-(NMe)Leu-Val-(NMe)Phe-Phe-NH2Molecular FormulaC₃₉H₅₉N₇O₆Relative Molecular Mass721.94CAS Registry Number[461640-33-5] netSourceSynt...
2019-02-19 阅读量(24)
Details Potential degradation product of exenatide resulting from aspartimide formation and cleavage. Item Number4085314One Letter CodeHGEGTFTSDLSKQMEEEAVRLFIEWLKD(GGPSSGAPPPS-NH₂)Molecular FormulaC₁₈₄H₂₈₁N₄₉O₆₁SRelative Molecular Mass4187.62CAS Re...
2019-03-01 阅读量(18)
Details LL-37 FKR (FK-21), C-terminal fragment of LL-37, showed antimicrobial activity and similar concentration-dependent chemotactic activities on granulocytes as the full-length peptide. Item Number4099697One Letter CodeFKRIVQRIKDFLRNLVPRTESSyno...
2019-03-08 阅读量(1)
Item Number4095909One Letter CodeSFLLRNSynonymsSFLLRN, Thrombin Receptor Activator Peptide 6, PAR-1 (1-6) (human), Proteinase Activated Receptor 1 (1-6) (human), Thrombin Receptor (1-6) (human), Coagulation Factor II Receptor (1-6) (human), Thrombin ...
2019-03-16 阅读量(6)
Details Cyclic RGD peptide labeled with a fluorophor absorbing at 749 nm and emitting at 775 nm. Item Number4104202One Letter Codec(RGDyK(Tide Fluor™ 7WS))Synonymsc[RGDyK(Tide Fluor™ 7WS)]Molecular FormulaC₂₇H₄₁N₉O₈ + dyeRelative Molecular Mass1378...
2019-03-23 阅读量(6)
Item Number4099722One Letter CodeBiotinyl-εAhx-GRGDSSynonymsBiotin-LC-GRGDSMolecular FormulaC₃₃H₅₅N₁₁O₁₂SRelative Molecular Mass829.93CAS Registry Number[2022956-45-0] netSourceSyntheticStorage Conditions-20 ± 5 °CKeywordsBiotin-labeled RGD peptideAr...
2019-04-03 阅读量(1)
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