The Tobamovirus Group PCR primers offer a sensitive diagnostic method to detect members of the Tobamovirus genus of the Virgaviridae family. The primer sequences are based on conserved genome regions and can detect characterized and unassigned members of the Tobamovirus genus.This test can be used as an aid for identification of viral etiology of unknown plant diseases, test for known viruses when other tests are not available and can be used to confirm results from other test methods. For a full list of confirmed and predicted reactions, click here.The Tobamovirus Group PCR primer product includes a lyophilized mix of forward and reverse primers, PCR quality water and detailed instructions.Disclaimer of License: This product is optimized for use in the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) process covered by patents owned by Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. and F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Purchase of this product does not include the license under these patents to use the PCR process. This product is recommended for use in conjunction with an authorized thermal cycler.
User Guide
This test reacts with a variety of viruses from the Tobamovirus genus. The list below represents Tobamoviruses that have been experimentally detected with our Tobamovirus PCR and confirmed by sequencing. If you have confirmed detection of a Tobamovirus not on this list, please contact us. For viruses predicted to be detected, click here.
Confirmed Detections | |
Bell pepper mottle virus (BPeMV) | Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) |
Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus (KGMMV) | Odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV) |
Paprika mild mottle virus (PaMMV) | Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) |
Rehmania mosaic virus (ReMV) | Ribgrass mosaic virus (RMV) |
Sunn-hemp mosaic virus (SHMV) | Tobacco mild green mosaic virus (TMGMV) |
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) | Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) |
Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) | Tomato mottle mosaic virus (ToMMV) |
Turnip vein-clearing virus (TVCV) | Youcai mosaic virus (YoMV) |
This test reacts with a variety of viruses from the Tobamovirus genus. The list below represents Tobamoviruses that have not been experimentally detected, but based on in silico analysis, will likely be detected with our Tobamovirus PCR. If you have samples of these pathogens below, please contact us.
Predicted Detections | |
Brugmansia mild mottle virus (BruMMV) | Cactus mild mottle virus (CMMoV) |
Clitoria yellow mottle virus (CYMV) | Cucumber fruit mottle mosaic virus (CFMMV) |
Cucumber mottle virus (CuMoV) | Frangipani mosaic virus (FMV) |
Hibiscus latent Fort Pierce virus (HLFPV) | Hibiscus latent Singapore virus (HLSV) |
Maracuja mosaic virus (MarMV) | Obuda pepper virus (ObPV) |
Passion fruit mosaic virus (PafMV) | Plumeria mosaic virus (PluMV) |
Rattail cactus necrosis-associated virus (RCNaV) | Streptocarpus flower break virus (SFBV) |
Tropical soda apple mosaic virus (TSAMV) | Wasabi mottle virus (WMoV) |
Yellow tailflower mild mottle virus (YTMMV) | Zucchini green mottle mosaic virus (ZGMMV) |
Abutilon yellow mosaic virus (AYMV)* | Hoya chlorotic spot virus (HoCSV)* |
* Tentative Tobamoviruses
- Lyophilized forward and reverse primers
- Sterile PCR quality water
- User Guide