AmplifyRP XRT is a real-time isothermal amplification technology that achieves the sensitivity and specificity of PCR based testing methods, but has some clear advantages.Unlike PCR, AmplifyRP XRT does not require thermal cycling.The entire process is completed at a single operating temperature (39°C) using a portable real-time fluorometer.Additionally, AmplifyRP XRT does not require a DNA or RNA purification step.Crude sample extracts can be prepared using a simple extraction buffer and can be tested directly.This makes the testing process very simple and saves the end user valuable time.
This Discovery platform allows researchers to design primers and probes for their plant pathogen of interest and integrate them with AmplifyRP® technology.We have designed our Discovery kits to make the testing process simple and we provide assistance on primer and probe design through our AmplifyRP® Discovery Help Book.We also have several full time AmplifyRP® researchers on staff that can assist with any technical questions.
Included In Each Discovery Kit:
- 48 lyophilized reaction pellets
- 1 mL Rehydration Buffer
- 1 mL 280 mM Magnesium Acetate Solution
Purchased Separately:
- AmpliFire® Isothermal Fluorometer (see related products)
- AmplifyRP Discovery Help Book