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abfrontier/SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing/SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing, 96회/634888



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634888SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing, 12회로그인후 확인가능 합니다.
634892SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing, 192회로그인후 확인가능 합니다.
634889SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing, 24회로그인후 확인가능 합니다.
634893SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing, 480회로그인후 확인가능 합니다.
634890SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing, 48회로그인후 확인가능 합니다.
634894SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing, 960회로그인후 확인가능 합니다.
634891SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing, 96회로그인후 확인가능 합니다.


□ 특징

● ​Illumina NGS sequencer와 Ion Torrent sequencer에 적용가능한 NGS Library 제작

●​ Single cell 또는 10pg 수준의 극소량 total RNA 샘플에서 cDNA 합성 가능

●​ 간단하고 빠른 1 tube protocol

● ​GC 함량이 높은 유전자도 효율적으로 증폭가능한 SeqAmp DNA Polymerase 포함

● ​기존 SMARTer Ultra Low 시리즈보다 검출 유전자 수가 대폭 향상됨

□ 제품설명

SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing은 Single Cell, 극소량 (Ultra-Low input) 샘플을 위한 SMARTer Ultra Lowkit 시리즈의 4세대 제품으로써 매우 적은 양의total RNA로부터 NGS용 cDNA library를제작할 수 있다. 본 제품은 Clontech의 핵심기술인 SMART (Switching Mechanism at 5’ End of RNA Template)에 Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) 기술을 접목함으로써 이전 세대의 제품보다 더욱 많은 수의 유전자수를검출할 수 있다. 본 제품의 핵심기술인 SMART (Switching Mechanism at 5’ Endof RNA Template) 법은 세포의 splice junction과 alternative splicing event를 포함한 전반적인 전사체 연구(full transcriptome analysis)에 있어 매우 유용한 기술이다. 또한, 본 제품은 high quality RNA (RIN > 8)나 intact cell로부터 특이적으로 mRNA를 증폭할 수 있다. 이와 함께 LNA 기술은template switching의 효율을 더욱 향상시켰으므로 그 어떤 제품보다 유전자 검출 수를 증폭시킬 수 있다.

□ Applications

- Transcriptome sequencing을 위한 극소량의 totalRNA 또는 single cell에서 cDNA 합성 - 본 제품으로 합성한 cDNA는Clontech LowInput Library Prep Kit (code 634947) 또는 Nextera XTlibrary preparation kits을 사용하여 Illumina 용 NGS Library제작 가능 - 또한, Ion Xpress Plus FragmentLibrary Kit을 사용하여 Ion Torrent용NGS Library 제작 가능Figure1. Flowchart of SMART cDNA synthesis. The SMART-Seqv4 Oligonucleotide, 3’ SMART-Seq CDS Primer II A, and PCR Primer II A allcontain a stretch of identical sequence. The black star indicates a chemicalblock on the 5’ end of the oligonucleotide.Figure 2. Higher sensitivity and better mappabilitywith the SMART-Seq v4 kit.Replicate libraries were generated from10 pg Mouse Brain Total RNA using the SMART-Seq v4 kit, the SMARTer Ultra Low v3 kit, or the SMART-Seq2 method. 18 PCR cycles were used to amplify cDNAlibraries with the SMART-Seq2 method and SMARTer Ultra Low v3 kit; however,only 17 PCR cycles were needed for the SMART-Seq v4 libraries. Figure3. Gene body coverage is good for all three library preparation methods. Gene body coverage shown is the average of two replicate librariesprepared from 10 pg Mouse Brain Total RNA using the three different cDNAsynthesis methods. The SMARTer Ultra Low v3 kit produced a slight 3′ bias, andthe SMART-Seq v4 kit produced a slight 5′ bias; however, the overall coveragewas fairly even.Figure4. Reproducibility is high for low-input samples. FPKMs from replicate libraries generated from10 pg of Mouse Brain Total RNAusing the SMART-Seq v4 kit, the SMARTer Ultra Low v3 kit method were compared.For transcripts with FPKM <100, the correlation between replicates was muchhigher for the SMART-Seq v4 kit (Pearson R = 0.739; Panel B) compared to theSMARTer Ultra Low v3 (Pearson R = 0.376; Panel A). For all transcripts (shownin the scatterplots on the right) the correlation between replicates was highfor each of the three methods (Pearson R between 0.911-0.972), though theSMART-Seq v4 kit did have the highest correlation. Transcripts represented inonly one replicate can be seen along the X- and Y-axes of the scatter plotsshowing all transcripts.

□ 구성품

* SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit forSequencing Components (not sold separately)* SeqAmp DNA Polymerase

페이지 맨 위로 가기
abfrontier的TBGreen®快速qPCR混合液是使用TBGreen®插入实时PCR 的  试剂。该产品通过结合适用于高速反应的修饰Taq DNA聚合酶和针对抗Taq抗体优化的反应组合物,实现了低引物二聚体的高速反应。另外,可以再现地进行大范围目标的更准确的定量和检测。将Tli RNaseH(耐热RNaseH)添加到2x Premix试剂中,因此,如果以cDNA为模板,则可将残留mRNA对PCR反应的抑制作用降至最低。通过改善酶和反应缓冲液的组成,可以扩增长靶标和具有高GC含量的靶标,并对PCR抑制剂表现出较强的抵抗力。它是2倍浓度的预混合型试剂,并且预先包含适合实时监控的适当浓度的  TBGreen®,因此反应溶液的制备非常简单。