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abfrontier/SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3/SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3, 96회/634850



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634850SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3, 48회로그인후 확인가능 합니다.
634851SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3, 96회로그인후 확인가능 합니다.


* 본 제품으로 합성한 cDNA는 Illumina와 Ion Torrent sequencing platform에 모두 적용 가능합니다.SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNAKit for Sequencing - v3는 매우 소량의 total RNA (10 pg-10 ng)나 single cell (1-1,000개의 cells)로부터 바로 RNA-Seq (Transcriptome analysis)에 이용할 수 있는cDNA를 제작할 수 있는 제품이다. 이전 버전의 SMARTer Ultra Low RNA Kit for Illumina Sequencing-HV 제품에 비하여 SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3는 보다 많은 유전자를 동정할 수 있고, 높은 transcript mapping율을 보일 뿐만 아니라 더 높은 exon 커버율을보인다 (greater number of genes, higher transcript mapping, andhigher exon coverage). 또한 본 제품은 Illumina와 Ion Torrent 등 다양한 회사의 library preparationkit 또는 sequencing 기기에 적용 가능하다. 본 제품의 핵심 기술인 SMART (Switching Mechanism at 5’ End of RNA Template)법은 세포의splice junction과 alteranative splicing event를 포함한전반적인 전사체 연구 (full transcriptome analysis)에 있어 매우 유용한 기술이다. 또한, 본 제품은 high quality RNA (RIN > 8)나 intact cell로부터 특이적으로 mRNA를 증폭할 수 있다.

□ 특징
  • Sample prep made easy - The single-tube protocol works directly on whole cells and preserves sample integrity
  • Unparalleled sensitivity - Start with as little as 1 cell or 10 pg of total RNA (input range: 1-1,000 cells or 10 pg-10 ng of total RNA)
  • Improved cDNA amplification - The SeqAmp DNA Polymerase included in the kit better amplifies high GC-content genes
  • Suitable for multiple sequencing platforms - cDNA libraries are compatible with either Illumina® or Ion Torrent NGS platforms
  • High-quality RNA-seq data - Get a higher number of genes identified, full length gene analysis, typically less than 2% rRNA reads, and improved representation of GC-rich genes

그림 1. Comparison of sequencing metricsgenerated with either the SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA for Illumina Sequencingkit (UL-HV) or the SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3 (UL-v3). cDNA libraries were generatedfrom either 100 pg Human Brain Total RNA (HBR) or 10 pg Mouse Brain Total RNA(MBR) and were sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq platform. The increasedsensitivity gained using the UL-v3 protocol is most significant at the lowestRNA inputs.그림 2. Individualcells or 1,000 cells (HeLa or Jurkat; Panel A and Panel B, respectively) wereused as input for the SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3. The cDNA samples were analyzedon an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. The single main peak indicates the purity andyield of the cDNA (the additional peak at ~1 kb in the HeLa cell samples is thecontribution of a single highly expressed gene, FTH1).그림 3. Sequencing results for librariesmade from 100 pg Human Brain Total RNA using either the SMARTer Ultra Low InputRNA for Illumina Sequencing kit (UL-HV) or the SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kitfor Sequencing - v3 (UL-v3). Genes were binned by GC content and correlationplots were used to evaluate the two kits. The average gene counts were veryreproducible for replicate samples using UL-HV (Panel A) or UL-v3 (Panel B).When the two protocols were compared, genes with a high GC content (red) showedhigher expression with the UL-v3 protocol while genes with a median or low GCcontent (gray and blue, respectively) showed similar expression levels withboth protocols (Panel C).그림 4. The gene body coverage of the cDNA libraries madefrom 1 or 1,000 HeLa cells (blue and red lines, respectively), or 1 or 1,000Jurkat cells (green and purple lines, respectively) using the SMARTer Ultra LowInput RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3 was determined using RSeQC. Read coverage wasnormalized using Excel.그림 5. cDNA libraries were made from 1 or1,000 cells (HeLa or Jurkat) using the SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3 (UL-v3). Results of Illumina library preparation andsequencing. Table IIB. Results of Ion Torrent library preparation andsequencing.

□ 적용

● Transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq)을 위한 소량의 cell 또는 total RNA로부터 cDNA 합성

● 본 제품으로 합성한 cDNA는 Illumina sequencing platfomr에 적용하기 위하여, Clontech의 LowInput Library Prep Kit (code 634947) 또는 Nextra sample preparation kit을 이용할 수 있다. 또한 IonTorrent를 이용하기 위해서는 Ion Xpress Plus Fragment Library Kit을 사용 가능하다.

□ 구성품

* SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNAKit for Sequencing - v3 Components (Cat. No. 634854; not sold separately) * SeqAmp DNA Polymerase (Cat. No. 638504)

* SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNAKit for Sequencing - v3 (제품코드 634850) 종매 - 종매일 : 2017.11.27

페이지 맨 위로 가기
abfrontier的TBGreen®快速qPCR混合液是使用TBGreen®插入实时PCR 的  试剂。该产品通过结合适用于高速反应的修饰Taq DNA聚合酶和针对抗Taq抗体优化的反应组合物,实现了低引物二聚体的高速反应。另外,可以再现地进行大范围目标的更准确的定量和检测。将Tli RNaseH(耐热RNaseH)添加到2x Premix试剂中,因此,如果以cDNA为模板,则可将残留mRNA对PCR反应的抑制作用降至最低。通过改善酶和反应缓冲液的组成,可以扩增长靶标和具有高GC含量的靶标,并对PCR抑制剂表现出较强的抵抗力。它是2倍浓度的预混合型试剂,并且预先包含适合实时监控的适当浓度的  TBGreen®,因此反应溶液的制备非常简单。