EZ-CPZ-ND™ is a superior GMP-manufactured medium without DMSO for cryopreservation of human cells intended for clinical use or special research applications. It is a proprietary, chemically defined formulation of clinical grade components, and cryoprotective agents. DMSO, glycerol or other additives may be mixed with EZ-CPZ-ND™. Packaged in a convenient, ready-to use “2X” formulation, EZ-CPZ-ND™ is mixed 1:1 in an equal volume with tissues or cells suspended in their appropriate support media, so mixing does not require centrifugation.
Store at 2°C – 8°C. SENSITIVE TO LIGHT.
incell的M3:BaseF™是一种专有的,无血清的,高度富集的培养基,适用于干细胞以及其他精巧的人类和哺乳动物细胞类型。它源自M3:D™或M3:DC™。M3:BaseF™包含许多生长因子,补充剂和缓冲剂,但分裂细胞的繁殖可能需要添加附着因子,血液成分或血清添加剂,具体取决于细胞类型。M3:BaseF™用作基础培养基,不含抗生素(F)。可以添加抗生素。添加10%v / v的高质量胎牛血清(FBS)等于M3:10F™配方。