4000-520-616 / 18915418616

VivanTechnologies/ViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green MasterMix I/QLMM12-LR


DescriptionViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green Master Mix I is next generation master mix designed for fast and easy realtime PCR reaction set up. The master mix is prepared in 2X concentrated solution and contains all the reagents, including Taq DNA Polymerases, SYBR® Green dye, highest quality dNTPs, and buffer components at optimal concentrations. Taq DNA Polymerases in the master mix provide excellent results in reaction efficiency, correlation coefficient and slope. SYBR® Green dye emits fluorescence when bound to double-stranded DNA. Detection of PCR product is monitored by the increase in fluorescence, leading to high sensitivity, wide dynamic range and high reproducibility for quantification.ViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green Master Mix I can be used to amplify any DNA template including genomic, cDNA and viral sequences. The formulation of qPCR green master mix can detect low copy number targets very specifically with high efficiency. The qPCR green master mix provides convenient and robust set up for quantitative real-time analysis of DNA samples.ViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green Master Mix I has several formulations optimized to be used with most of real-time PCR instruments. The improved sensitivity and consistency of ViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green Master Mix I in standard cycling conditions gives the industry leading performance in fast cycling conditions.

ApplicationsAll kinds of sample material suited for qPCR amplification can be used.


  • Ready-to-use real-time PCR reaction set up
  • Rapid extension rate for early Ct values
  • Good buffer system for excellent amplification efficiency
  • Includes SYBR® Green dye for intercalator-based qPCR
  • Increased limit of detection
  • Compatible with most of the real-time PCR platforms

Component1.6ml aliquots of master mix

StorageStable at -20°C up to the expiry date stated. Store all components at -20°C upon arrival. Keep in aliquot to reduce freeze-thaw cycles.

Quality ControlAs part of the ISO9001:2008 quality assurance systems, each lot of ViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green Master Mix I has been tested against predetermined specifications to ensure consistent product quality and highest levels of performance and reliability.

Limitation Of UseFor research use only. Not recommended or intended for diagnosis of disease in humans or animals. Do not use internally or externally in humans or animals.

InstrumentsTo calibrate a real-time PCR reaction, various formulations of master mixes are available for most of the platforms.

Product DescriptionCompatible Hardware
QLMM12ViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green Master Mix I (SYBR® Green Dye)Biometra qTower, BioRad iCycler, BioRad IQ4, BioRad IQ5, Cepheid SmartCycler®, Eppendorf Mastercycler, Fluidigm BioMark™, Illumina Eco, MJ Chromo4, Opticon, PCRMax Eco™, Roche lightcycler® 480, lightcycler® LC96 and lightcycler® Nano Platforms, RotorGene, Roche Capillary Lightcycler 1.0-2.0, Stratagene MX MX4000P®, MX3000P®, MX3005®, Thermo PikoReal™
QLMM12-LRViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green Master Mix I with Low ROX (SYBR® Green Dye)Applied Biosystems 7500 and 7500 FAST platform, QuantStudio™, ViiA7
QLMM12-RViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green Master Mix I with ROX (SYBR® Green Dye)Applied Biosystems 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900 and 7900HT FAST platforms, GeneAmp® 5700, StepOne™, StepOne™ PLUS

Ordering Information

Catalog NoDescriptionPack Size
QLMM12ViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green MasterMix I (SYBR® Green Dye)150 reactions
QLMM12-LRViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green MasterMix I with Low ROX (SYBR® Green Dye)150 reactions
QLMM12-RViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green MasterMix I with ROX (SYBR® Green Dye)150 reactions


ViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green MasterMix I (SYBR® Green Dye) ViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green MasterMix I with Low ROX (SYBR® Green Dye) ViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green MasterMix I with ROX (SYBR® Green Dye)
