4000-520-616 / 18915418616

RayBiotech/Human Inflammation Array Q3/8 Sample Kit/QAH-INF-3-1


Antigen Information

Gene Symbols:
CCL1 | CCL11 | CCL15 | CCL2 | CCL24 | CCL3 | CCL4 | CCL5 | CSF1 | CSF2 View more Hide

Assay Format

Number of Targets Detected:
Species Detected:
  • Human
Compatible Sample Types:
  • Cell Culture Supernatants
  • Cell Lysates
  • Other Body Fluids
  • Plasma
  • Serum
  • Tissue Lysates
Design Principle:
  • Sandwich-based
Method of Detection:
Fluorescence Laser Scanner
  • Quantitative
Solid Support:
Glass Slide

Product Specifications

1, 2, or 4 Slide Kit (16 sub-arrays per slide)

Product Features

  • More cost-effective than traditional ELISA
  • High specificity and system reproducibility
  • Suitable for diverse sample types
  • Low sample volume requirement: 50 µL or less
  • Get results same day (6-hour processing time)
  • Well-suited for high throughput assays
  • Q Analyzer software provides one-step computation

Target Names

Scroll over each target protein for more information
  • Gene Symbol: CXCL13
  • Gene ID: 10563
  • Accession #: O43927
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human BLC ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: CCL11
  • Gene ID: 6356
  • Accession #: P51671
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human Eotaxin-1 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: Ccl24
  • Gene ID: 6369
  • Accession #: O00175
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human Eotaxin-2 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: CSF3
  • Gene ID: 1440
  • Accession #: P09919
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human G-CSF ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: CSF2
  • Gene ID: 1437
  • Accession #: P04141
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human GM-CSF ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: CCL1
  • Gene ID: 6346
  • Accession #: P22362
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human I-309 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: ICAM1
  • Gene ID: 3383
  • Accession #: P05362
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human sICAM-1 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IFNG
  • Gene ID: 3458
  • Accession #: P01579
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IFN-gamma ELISA
IL-1 alpha(IL-1 F1)
  • Gene Symbol: IL1A
  • Gene ID: 3552
  • Accession #: P01583
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-1 alpha ELISA
IL-1 beta(IL-1 F2)
  • Gene Symbol: IL1B
  • Gene ID: 3553
  • Accession #: P01584
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-1 beta ELISA
IL-1 ra(IL-1 F3)
  • Gene Symbol: IL1RN
  • Gene ID: 3557
  • Accession #: P18510
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-1 RA ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IL2
  • Gene ID: 3558
  • Accession #: P60568
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-2 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IL4
  • Gene ID: 3565
  • Accession #: P05112
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-4 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IL5
  • Gene ID: 3567
  • Accession #: P05113
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-5 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IL6
  • Gene ID: 3569
  • Accession #: P05231
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-6 ELISA
IL-6 R
  • Gene Symbol: IL6R
  • Gene ID: 3570
  • Accession #: P08887
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-6 sR ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IL7
  • Gene ID: 3574
  • Accession #: P13232
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-7 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IL8
  • Gene ID: 3576
  • Accession #: P10145
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-8 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IL10
  • Gene ID: 3586
  • Accession #: P22301
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-10 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IL11
  • Gene ID: 3589
  • Accession #: P20809
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-11 ELISA
IL-12 p40
  • Gene Symbol: IL12B
  • Gene ID: 3593
  • Accession #: P29460
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-12 p40 ELISA
IL-12 p70
  • Gene Symbol: IL12A
  • Gene ID: 3592
  • Accession #: P29459
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-12 p70 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IL13
  • Gene ID: 3596
  • Accession #: P35225
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-13 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IL15
  • Gene ID: 3600
  • Accession #: P40933
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-15 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IL16
  • Gene ID: 3603
  • Accession #: Q14005
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human IL-16 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: IL17A
  • Gene ID: 3605
  • Accession #: Q16552
  • Gene Symbol: CCL2
  • Gene ID: 6347
  • Accession #: P13500
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human MCP-1 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: CSF1
  • Gene ID: 1435
  • Accession #: P09603
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human M-CSF ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: CXCL9
  • Gene ID: 4283
  • Accession #: Q07325
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human MIG ELISA
MIP-1 alpha(CCL3)
  • Gene Symbol: CCL3
  • Gene ID: 6348
  • Accession #: P10147
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human MIP-1 alpha ELISA
MIP-1 beta(CCL4)
  • Gene Symbol: CCL4
  • Gene ID: 6351
  • Accession #: P13236
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human MIP-1 beta ELISA
MIP-1 delta(CCL15)
  • Gene Symbol: CCL15
  • Gene ID: 6359
  • Accession #: Q16663
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human MIP-1 delta ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: PDGFB
  • Gene ID: 5155
  • Accession #: P01127
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human PDGF-BB ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: CCL5
  • Gene ID: 6352
  • Accession #: P13501
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human RANTES ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: TIMP1
  • Gene ID: 7076
  • Accession #: P01033
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human TIMP-1 ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: TIMP2
  • Gene ID: 7077
  • Accession #: P16035
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human TIMP-2 ELISA
TNF alpha
  • Gene Symbol: TNF
  • Gene ID: 7124
  • Accession #: P01375
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human TNF-alpha ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: LTA
  • Gene ID: 4049
  • Accession #: P01374
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human TNF-beta ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: TNFRSF1A
  • Gene ID: 7132
  • Accession #: P19438
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human sTNFRI ELISA
  • Gene Symbol: TNFRSF1B
  • Gene ID: 7133
  • Accession #: P20333
  • ELISA Kit: RayBio Human sTNFRII ELISA

Application Notes

Suggested Application
Multiplexed Protein Detection; Biomarker Screening; Identifying Key Factors; Confirming Biological Process; Biomarker Validation; Validation of Antibody Array Results; Quantitative Protein Detection; Establishing Normal Range
Kit Components
  • Human Inflammation Array Q3 Slide(s)
  • Blocking Buffer
  • Wash Buffer 1
  • Wash Buffer 2
  • Lyophilized Standard Mix
  • Biotinylated Detection Antibody Cocktail
  • Streptavidin-Conjugated Fluor
  • Slide Washer/Dryer
  • Adhesive Plastic Strips
  • Manual
Other Materials Required
  • Distilled or deionized water
  • Small plastic boxes or containers
  • Pipettors, pipette tips and other common lab consumables
  • Orbital shaker or oscillating rocker
  • Aluminum foil
  • Gene microarray scanner or similar laser fluorescence scanner
View Compatible Laser ScannersDon"t have a compatible scanner? RayBiotech now offers FREE scanning service for all RayBio glass slide antibody arrays! Learn More
Protocol Outline
  1. Dry the glass slide
  2. Prepare Standards
  3. Block array surface
  4. Incubate with Samples and Standards
  5. Incubate with Biotinylated Detection Antibody Cocktail
  6. Incubate with Streptavidin-Conjugated Fluor
  7. Disassemble the glass slide
  8. Scan with a gene microarray laser scanner
  9. Perform densitometry and analysis


For best results, store the entire kit frozen at -20°C upon arrival. Stored frozen, the kit will be stable for at least 6 months which is the duration of the product warranty period. Once thawed, store array slide(s), standard mix, detection antibody cocktail, and Cy3-Conjugated Streptavidin at -20°C and all other reagents undiluted at 4°C for no more than 3 months.
  1. Platonov M., Borovjagin AV., Kaverina N., et al. KISS1 tumor suppressor restricts angiogenesis of breast cancer brain metastases and sensitizes them to oncolytic virotherapy in vitro. Cancer Lett. 2018 Mar 28;417:75-88. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2017.12.024. Species: HumanSample type: Conditioned Media
  2. Dillman R., Cornforth A., Nistor G., et al. Randomized phase II trial of autologous dendritic cell vaccines versus autologous tumor cell vaccines in metastatic melanoma: 5-year follow up and additional analyses. J Immunother Cancer. 2018 Mar 6;6(1):19. doi: 10.1186/s40425-018-0330-1.Species: HumanSample type: Serum
  3. Liao Y., Ivanova L., Zhu H., et al. Cord Blood-Derived Stem Cells Suppress Fibrosis and May Prevent Malignant Progression in Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa. Stem Cells. 2018 Sep 24. doi: 10.1002/stem.2907. Species: HumanSample type: Conditioned Media
  4. Leung GP., Feng T., Sigoillot FD., et al. Hyperactivation of MAPK Signaling Is Deleterious to RAS/RAF-mutant Melanoma. Mol Cancer Res. 2018 Sep 10. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-18-0327Species: HumanSample type: Conditioned Media
  5. Izrael M., Slutsky SG., Admoni T., et al. Safety and efficacy of human embryonic stem cell-derived astrocytes following intrathecal transplantation in SOD1G93A and NSG animal models. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018 Jun 6;9(1):152. doi: 10.1186/s13287-018-0890-5.Species: HumanSample type: Conditioned Media
  6. Reategui E., Fatemeh J., Khankhel A., et al. Microscale arrays for the profiling of start and stop signals coordinating human-neutrophil swarming. Nature Biomedical Engineering 1, Article number: 0094 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41551-017-0094Species: HumanSample type: Conditioned Media
  7. Wang S., Lu Y., Hong Q., et al. Protein Array-Based Detection of Proteins in Kidney Tissues from Patients with Membranous Nephropathy. Biomed Res Int. 2017; 2017: 7843584. doi: 10.1155/2017/7843584Species: HumanSample type: Tissue Lysate
  8. Velez G., Bassuk A., Colgan D., et al. Therapeutic drug repositioning using personalized proteomics of liquid biopsies. JCI Insight. 2017 Dec 21;2(24). pii: 97818. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.97818.Species: HumanSample type: Vitreous Fluid
  9. Yang B., Deng Q., Zhang W., et al. Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Plasma Cytokines, and Heart Rate Variability. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 13;6:19272. doi: 10.1038/srep19272.Species: HumanSample type: Plasma
  10. Gu R., Zhou M., Jiang C., et al. Elevated concentration of cytokines in aqueous in post-vitrectomy eyes. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2016 Mar;44(2):128-34. doi: 10.1111/ceo.12638Species: HumanSample type: Aqueous Humor
My lab members have used this array several times before, they recommend it to me, both mouse's and human's are very reliable!
The Wistar Institute
It's good and easy to use, but need a laser scanner.
University of South Florida
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#Analysis Tool
