4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Echelon/MEP Synthase (DXR) Enzyme Inhibitor Screen/EA KIT/K-2000C


The Methylerythritol Phosphate (MEP) Synthase (DXR) Inhibitor Screen (K-2000C) will evaluate compounds for inhibition of DXR activity. This medium throughput inhibitor screen provides a valuable tool for the identification of potential antimicrobials, specifically inhibitors of the MEP Synthase (DXR) enzyme in the MEP pathway.

Sample Type: Compounds for inhibition of DXR activityAssay sensitivity: IC50 of Fosmidomycin ~ 130 nMAssay Incubation time: Ten minutes (Continuous Kinetic Readout)Sample Considerations: Run compounds in ≤ 5% overall DMSO concentration

Product Description

The MEP pathway is used by most bacteria, including all Gram-negative bacteria, for isoprenoid biosynthesis. Isoprenoids comprise one of the most diverse classes of compounds found in nature. With over 50,000 different isoprenoids identified to date, they exhibit a broad range of structural complexity and are involved in a variety of biological functions [1] including Electron transport (quinones), stabilization of cell membranes (hopanoids and sterols), cell wall biosynthesis (dolichols), signal transduction (prenylated proteins), photosynthesis (chlorophylls) and modification of tRNAs. [2] Isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) are the precursors for all isoprenoid compounds and the MEP pathway is one of two unrelated essential pathways existing in nature for their biosynthesis. These two precursors are produced by either the mevalonate (MVA) or MEP pathway. The MVA pathway is found primarily in eukaryotes, including humans, plant cytosol, Archaea, and some Gram-positive bacteria, while the MEP pathway is utilized by most bacteria and plant chloroplasts. Due to this natural distribution, the MEP pathway represents a promising target for development of novel antibacterial agents and herbicides. [3]

In the first pathway-specific reaction of the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis, MEP Synthase (DXR) catalyzes the rearrangement of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate (DXP) to generate 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate (MEP) in the presence of ?-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and a divalent cation. [4] Fosmidomycin is a natural product inhibitor of MEP synthase and has validated the MEP pathway as an antibiotic target.

Echelon’s MEP Synthase (DXR) assay will evaluate compounds for inhibition of DXR activity. The assay monitors the depletion of ?-NADPH which is detected spectrophotometrically. By measuring this depletion of ?-NADPH one can infer the conversion of the DXP substrate to the MEP product. Fosmidomycin is supplied in this assay as a control inhibitor.

Keywords: Methylerythritol Phosphate Pathway, MEP Pathway, antibacterial, non-mevalonate pathway, MEP, Methylerythritol Phosphate, Isoprenoid biosynthesis, Isoprenoid, DXP, MEP Synthase, IspC, 1-Deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate, 1-Deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate, Deoxyxylulose phosphate, DOXP, 2-C-methyl-D-erythritrol, Fosmidomycin, MEP Pathway Inhibitor Screen


Kits & Assays


Inhibitor, Isoprenoid, MEP Pathway

Echelon Biosciences成立于1997年10月3日,总部坐落于在美国犹他州。从1997到2004,EBI主要用于政府的补助金以及产品的销售收入来资助其研究工作。2005年初,EBI的依特钠Zentaris购买 (NAS:AEZS)的MEP抗感染,PI3激酶小分子程序,目录业务,与科学专业。2007年末,前沿科学公司(FSI)在洛根,犹他州购买了EBI, 专业从事卟啉和硼化学。自公司成立以来以来,EBI保留了开发研究试剂脂质新的检测方法。不断开拓**,从而推动药物研究的新发型。 Echelon Biosciences是美国杰出免疫学产品供应商,专业提供各种抗体、分析检测试剂盒、抑制剂等产品,尤其擅长以细胞信号、脂类代谢和标记物研究为主的相关产品。为研究治疗诸如癌症、糖尿病、炎症、感染和心脑血管疾病专家提供**有效工具。 Echelon Biosciences产品线 Lipid Kinases & Phosphatases 脂质激酶和磷酸 Lipid-Protein Interaction Tools 脂蛋白质相互作用工具 Lipid-Specific Assay Kits 脂质特定检测试剂盒 Lipid-Specific Antibodies & Binding Proteins 脂质特定抗体和结合蛋白 Hyaluronic Acid & Collagen IV Assay Kits 透明质酸和IV型胶原检测试剂盒 Synthetic Inositol phosphates, Lipids, & Phospholipids 合成的磷酸肌醇,脂和磷脂 PI3-Kinase PI3-激酶 Echelon Biosciences可提供PI3-Kinase 实验解决全套方案,从分析服务到实验用抗体、酶和抑制剂等,**满足科研需求。 专业系列 产品编号 特色产品 Kits 试剂盒 K-1000 PI3-K ELISA Kit  K-1000S PI3-K ELISA: Pico Assay K-1100 PI3-K Fluorescence Polarization Kit K-1300 PI3-K AlphaScreen®  K-2700S TRueFRET PI3-K Activity Assay K-3000 Class III PI3-K ELISA Kit Antibodies 抗体 Z-R015 Anti-huVps34 (Class III PI3-Kinase) Antibody for IP Z-R016 Anti-huVps34 (Class III PI3-Kinase) Antibody for WB Inhibitors 抑制剂 B-0021 Resveratrol (Class IA PI3-K Inhibitor) B-0222 Wortmannin (PI3-Kinase Inhibitor) B-0294 PI3-Kinase Inhibitor (LY294002) B-0301 PI3-Kinase Gamma Inhibitor 1 (AS605240) B-0302 PI3-Kinase Gamma Inhibitor 2 (AS604850 B-0303 PI3-Kinase Alpha Inhibitor 1 (PI-103) B-0304 PI3-Kinase Alpha Inhibitor 2 Enzymes 酶  P27-18H PI3-K (p-110 alpha/p85 alpha) Active Enzyme  P28-10H PI3-K (p-110 beta/p85 alpha) Active Enzyme Lysolipids 血溶性脂类 Lysolipid Pathway                                            Synthetic Lysophosphatidic Acid (LPA) ◆ Inhibitors 抑制剂系列                                  ◆ Labeled 标记物系列 ◆ Ligands 配体系列                                        ◆ Ligands 配体系列 ◆ Analogs 类似物系列                                    ◆ Saturated 底物系列                                                                          ◆ Unsaturated 不饱和系列  专业系列 产品标号 特色产品 Kits试剂盒  K-2800B Lysophosphatidic Acid Competitive ELISA Kit K-4100 Autotaxin Activity Assay K-4200 Autotaxin Inhibitor Screening Kit Enzymes酶 E-4000 Autotaxin Enzyme Substrate底物 L-2000 FS-3 LysoPLD/Autotaxin Substrate Inhibitors抑制剂 L-7416 LysoPLD/Autotaxin Inhibitor Sphingolipids 鞘脂类 Synthetic Sphingolipids ◆ Sphingosine 鞘氨醇                           ◆ Ceramide 神经酰胺 ◆ Sphingosine 1 Phosphate (S1P ) 鞘氨醇磷酸酯     ◆ Sphingomyelin 鞘磷脂 ◆ FTY720P  专业系列 产品编号 特色产品 Kits 试剂盒 K-1900 Sphingosine 1 Phosphate ELISA Kit (S1P) K-3500 Sphingosine Kinase 1 Activity Assay K-1800 Sphingomyelinase Assay Kit K-3200 Acid Sphingomyelinase Assay Kit Enzymes 酶 E-K068 Sphingosine Kinase 1, active E-K069 Sphingosine Kinase 2, active Inhibitors 抑制剂 B-0024 Sphingosine Kinase Inhibitor   产品编号 特色产品 S-400B Sphingomyelin Biotin  P-B0SM Sphingomyelin Beads S-6100 Sphingosine Beads S-6110 Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Beads  P-B00Ss Sphingo Bead Sample Pack  G-SM01 Sphingomyelin Grip (Equinatoxin) Autotaxin(ATX) 自分泌运动因子 Echelon Biosciences是世界上唯壹完整**提供Autotaxin(ATX) 和Autotaxin(ATX) 相关试剂的供应商。 产品编号 特色产品 K-4100 Autotaxin Activity Assay Kit K-4200 Autotaxin Inhibitor Screening Kit  K-2800B Lysophosphatidic Acid Competitive ELISA Kit L-2000 FS-3 (LysoPLD / Autotaxin Substrate) L-7416 BrP-LPA Autotaxin Inhibitor E-4000 Autotaxin Enzyme