4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Anaspec/Phytochelatin 4, PC4/1 mg/AS-60789

DescriptionSequence(One-Letter Code)
Product NamePhytochelatin 4, PC4(γE - C)4 - G
Size1 mg
Catalog #AS-60789
Purity% Peak Area By HPLC ≥ 95%

A glutathione-derived heavy metal-detoxifying peptide of higher plants consisting of 4 units of γGlu-Cys.

Detailed InformationDatasheet
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
ReferencesGrill, E. et al. Science 230, 674 (1985); Rauser, WE. Plant Physiol. 109, 1141 (1995).
Molecular Weight1004.1
Sequence(Three-Letter Code)H - γ - Glu - Cys - γ - Glu - Cys - γ - Glu - Cys - γ - Glu - Cys - Gly - OH
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