Full-length sequence information allows many types of analysis—such as differential gene expression, gene fusion, and alternative splicing—with high sensitivity. Our high-throughput solution leverages SMART-Seq chemistry for sensitive, full-length transcriptome profiling of 1,000–2,000 cells isolated on the ICELL8 Single-Cell System.
Please refer to the table in the "Components" section below for ordering information.
Full-length sequence information allows many types of analysis—such as differential gene expression, gene fusion, and alternative splicing—with high sensitivity. Our high-throughput solution leverages SMART-Seq chemistry for sensitive, full-length transcriptome profiling of 1,000–2,000 cells isolated on the ICELL8 Single-Cell System. The workflow incorporates Illumina-specific adapter sequences during cDNA amplification on an ICELL8 chip for the generation of indexed libraries that are ready for sequencing on Illumina platforms.
Please refer to the table in the "Components" section below for ordering information.
Single cells isolated with the ICELL8 Single-Cell System (Cat. # 640000) are dispensed into a 5,184-nanowell, blank ICELL8 250v Chip (Cat. # 640183). Following identification of single-cell-bearing wells using CellSelect Software, SMART RT-PCR reagents are then dispensed to the wells of samples chosen for further processing. The chip is then transferred to the ICELL8 Chip Cycler, which is programmed to perform one-step RT-PCR for first-strand synthesis and amplification of cDNA in a single run. The full-length cDNA is tagmented by TDE1 (Illumina Tagment DNA Enzyme), and then the tagmented cDNA is amplified using forward and reverse indexing primers (Cat. # 640205 and/or 640218). The resulting library is extracted, purified, and amplified to yield the final sequencing-ready library.