Using a straightforward RNA-isolation protocol, the CellAmp RT-PCR for Direct Prep Kit (Real Time) & Protein Analysis allows direct RNA template purification from animal cells for use in one- and two-step qRT-PCR. The kit enables RNA isolation from animal cells via a simple extraction method using animal cells cultured in 96-well (or other size well) plates. Direct RNA template purification from animal cells for use in real-time PCR takes approximately 10 minutes.
Using a straightforward RNA-isolation protocol, the CellAmp RT-PCR for Direct Prep Kit (Real Time) & Protein Analysis allows direct RNA template purification from animal cells for use in one- and two-step qRT-PCR. The kit enables RNA isolation from animal cells via a simple extraction method using animal cells cultured in 96-well (or other size well) plates. Direct RNA template purification from animal cells for use in real-time PCR takes approximately 10 minutes.
When used with a one-step real-time RT-PCR kit, theCellAmp Direct RNA Prep Kit (Real Time) & Protein Analysis allows gene expression analysis to be completed in approximately two hours. When combined with a reverse transcription reagent such as the PrimeScript RT Reagent Kit (Perfect Real Time), cDNA templates for real-time PCR can be synthesized in approximately 30minutes, enabling efficient high-throughput analyses. Direct RNA template purification can be accomplished using small batches of animal cells, a useful feature for gene expression profiling of precious or rare samples. The kit is also useful for studies of genes that are expressed at very low levels. Genomic DNA can be easily and efficiently removed using this kit. Finally, RNA template samples prepared withCellAmp Direct RNA Prep Kit (Real Time) & Protein Analysis are compatible with intercalating green dye and 5" nuclease probe-based assays for real-time PCR (qPCR), and thus can serve a wide variety of experimental applications.