4000-520-616 / 18915418616

Clontech/PrimeSTAR HS DNA Polymerase/1,000 Units/R010B


High-fidelity PCR

PrimeSTAR HS DNA Polymerase is a novel high-fidelity DNA polymerase that allows high-efficiency amplification of large DNA products (up to 8.5 kb for human genomic DNA; up to 22 kb for lambda DNA). Its excellent performance is achieved by superior proofreading ability due to a robust 3" → 5" exonuclease activity. The antibody-mediated hot-start (HS) feature provides improved specificity, thus reducing background and proving useful during highly demanding cloning and sequencing applications. PrimeSTAR HSis available in flexible and convenient formats:

  • Individual components—PrimeSTAR HSDNA polymerase is supplied with a tube of 5X PrimeSTAR Buffer (with Mg2+) and a tube of dNTPs.
  • 2X PCR master mix—a premix that includes PrimeSTAR HS DNA Polymerase, reaction buffer, and dNTPs for simple and convenient PCR setup and minimal pipetting steps.

PrimeSTAR HS DNA Polymerase is a novel high-fidelity DNA polymerase that allows high-efficiency amplification of large DNA products (up to 8.5 kb for human genomic DNA; up to 22 kb for lambda DNA). Its excellent performance is achieved by superior proofreading ability due to a robust 3" → 5" exonuclease activity. The antibody-mediated hot-start (HS) feature provides improved specificity, thus reducing background and proving useful during highly demanding cloning and sequencing applications. PrimeSTAR HSis available in flexible and convenient formats:

  • Individual Components—PrimeSTAR HSDNA polymerase is supplied with a tube of 5X PrimeSTAR Buffer (with Mg2+) and a tube of dNTPs.
  • 2X PCR master mix—a premix that includes PrimeSTAR HS DNA Polymerase, reaction buffer, and dNTPs for simple and convenient PCR setup and minimal pipetting steps.

The fidelity of PrimeSTAR HS DNA Polymerase was calculated by direct sequencing analysis to provide a more realistic estimate of the rate of incorporated errors compared with other commonly used indirect phenotypic analyses such as lacI. Calculation methods such as lacI, which are often used by other enzyme suppliers, are prone to error due to inherent lethal and silent mutations.

PrimeSTAR HS DNA Polymerase also offers excellent amplification efficiency and a fast reaction time due to its extremely high priming efficiency. Highly specific amplifications can be achieved using short annealing times of just 5–15 seconds.

For the most challenging PCR applications, enhanced versions of PrimeSTAR HS are available with the ability to amplify GC-rich sequences easily, even higher fidelity, and for long-range PCR:

  • PrimeSTAR HS with GC buffer provides reliable, high-fidelity amplification for the most difficult GC-rich content (75% or greater).
  • PrimeSTAR Max products provide the highest fidelity and fastest extension time of any Takara Bio product.
  • PrimeSTAR GXL products provide high fidelity plus the ability to amplify long and GC- or AT-rich targets.
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