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Electroporation Kit for RAW 264.7 Cells (Lymphoma Cells, TIB-71)
• Electroporation Kit include: electroporation buffer + buffer-specific optimized electroporation protocols
• Pre-optimized electroporation protocols are provided for delivery of plasmids (DNA), siRNA, mRNA, and proteins
• Proprietary electroporation buffer formulation mimics cellular cytoplasm composition (superior electropore resealing)s
• Certified RNAse- and DNAse-free electroporation buffer
• Effective electroporation delivery and high cell viability provides reproducible electroporation results
• High cell viability and superior cell recovery rates
• Electroporation protocols are provided with with the purchase of the Electroporation Kit
• Developed and manufactured by Altogen Biosystems
Electroporation Buffer:
4 mL of electroporation buffer is sufficient for 20 reactions using standard 0.2 cm elecrtoporation cuvette
30 mL of electroporation buffer is sufficient for 150 reactions using standard 0.2 cm elecrtoporation cuvette
Electroporation Efficiency:
Electroporation kit provides 75-90% delivery efficiency of siRNA. Electroporation efficiency was determined by qRT-PCR.
Electroporation Protocol and MSDS:
Electroporation protocols are provided with the purchase of the Electroporation Kit
Download MSDS: [PDF]
RAW 264.7 Cell Line:
The RAW 264.7 cell line was derived from a tumor of ascites tissue removed from a house mouse (Mus musculus), which suffered from a Abelson murine leukemia virus-induced tumor. This cell line exhibits monocyte (macrophage) cell morphology, and expresses H-2d antigen and complement (C3) receptors. Raw 264.7 cells could be useful as a transfection host, or for testing biological response. These cells could be useful for a variety of molecular and cell biology or medical research related to mammalian leukemia.
Selected in vivo transfection product citations (ALTOGEN® IN VIVO Transfection Kits used in the following publications):
- 2008 454(7203):523-7. Innate immunity induced by composition-dependent RIG-I …Saito et al [PDF]
- Am J Pathology. 2010 177(4):1870-80. Role of ocular complement factor H in a murine model … Lyzogubov et al [PDF]
- Nature Biotechnology. 2011 29(4):341-5. Delivery of siRNA to the mouse brain by … Alvarez-Erviti et al [PDF]
- Cancer Research. 2011 71(15):5144-53. Inhibition of miR-193a expression by… Iliopoulos et al [PDF]
RAW 264.7 Electroporation Kit
Altogen Biosystems:
Altogen Biosystems transfection and electroporation products for life sciences and cancer research. Company developed two types of in vivo delivery kits for animal research: Tissue-targeted reagents (delivery to liver, pancreas, and kidney tissues), and broad range in vivo delivery reagents (PEG-Liposome, Nanoparticle-based, Lipid-based, and Polymer-based kits). Advanced formulation of reagents and optimized transfection protocols provide efficient intracellular delivery of proteins, DNA, mRNA, shRNA, siRNA, and other negatively charged molecules in vitro and in vivo. Read more about transfection technology at Altogen’s Transfection Resource.
Altogen Research Services:
Altogen Labs provides GLP-compliant contract research studies for pre-clinical research, IND applications, and drug development. Biology CRO services include: Xenograft models (30+), development of stable cell lines, ELISA assay development, cell-based and tissue targeted RNAi studies, safety pharm/tox assays, and other studies (visit AltogenLabs.com).
Volume Options:
- 4 ml (Catalog #6585)
- 30 ml (Catalog #6586)