Protein Extraction Kit is designed for quick and effective preparation and isolation of total proteins. The kit contains optimized reagents and materials that efficiently extract and isolate proteins from any cells and tissues. Lysis Beads in the kit enable efficient and rapid lysis of cells and tissues to allow complete release of proteins. Extraction Buffer is pH optimized to maximize protein yield. The total proteins isolated by this kit can be used for a variety of applications, including protein microarray assays, Western blots/immunoprecipitation, gel mobility shift assays, and other procedures.
- Effectively lyse cells and tissues, producing non-denatured protein extract
- Metal lysis beads provide efficient release of proteins to maximize yield
- Ready to use
- Quick and easy protocol
- Replaces the extraction buffer and lysis beads provided in Antibody Array Assay Kit
- – Size: 20 reactions (Extraction Buffer: 10 mL; Lysis Beads: 20 tubes)
- – Storage Condition: 4°C
- – Shelf-life: 1 year
- – User’s Guide: Protein Extraction Kit User’s Guide
- – Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Full Moon BioSystems,Inc。成立于2001年,位于硅谷的中心地带。 我们专注于开发蛋白质组学研究的创新产品。 我们的目标是帮助世界各地的生命科学研究人员通过更好的产品和服务简化和加速他们的研究。 关键技术 用于定性蛋白质表达谱的基于ELISA的抗体阵列 专有聚合物基表面化学 成像系统校准和验证 主要产品 抗体微阵列 成像系统校准和验证工具 DNA和蛋白质微阵列基质