AL0125 is a hybrid molecule with an inorganic silsesquioxane at the core, organic isobutyl groups attached at seven corners of the cage and a trans-cyclohexane diol group on the eighth corner. It is very useful as a monomer in condensation polymerization chemistry to increase strength, toughness and the HDT by limiting chain motion.
Key Properties
Formula Weight: 959.68
Appearance: white powder
Thermal Stability (5% wt loss): 255˚C
Solvent Stability: THF, chloroform, acetone, hexane
Solvent Insolubility: acetonitrile
Resin Solubility: polyethers and polyalcohols
Relevant Literature
• Shape Memory Polymers Based on Semicrystalline Thermoplastic Polyurethanes Bearing Nanostructured Hard Segments – World Patent #2006/115799
• Structural and electrochemical properties of polyurethanes/polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (PU/POSS) hybrid coatings on aluminum alloy – Materials Chemistry and Physics 117 (2009) 91–98
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CAS 408439-48-3
Authorizations: None