This product is collected in FDA-licensed collection facilities.The whole blood is more than 30 days old at the time of plasmaharvest. Whole blood (with anticoagulant) is spun in a centrifugeto separate the plasma from the formed elements. The plasma isthen drawn off and frozen. This is from individual donors, notpooled. All donors are tested for viral markers (HBsAg, Anti-HBc,HCV, Anti-HCV, HIV-1, Anti-HIV-1 and -2, and Anti-HTLV-1 and -2)and found to be nonreactive. All donors are routinely screenedfor syphilis.
Ships on dry ice. Store frozen at -20 to -10°C
*Pricing for all human plasma products varies dependent onanticoagulant requirements. Available anticoagulants include:
Citrate, CPD, CPDA1, ACD, Heparin, EDTA
*Single-unit price. For inquiries about this product,contact your sales representative.