4000-520-616 / 18915418616

JenKem/Methoxy PEG Acetic Acid/A3070-10/M-CM-5000



Methoxy PEG Acetic Acid with superior quality specification of ≥95% Substitution.

Methoxy PEG Acetic Acid from JenKem Technology is an Amine PEGylation reagent reactive towards the amino group of lysine(s) at pH 7-8. Methoxy PEG Acetic Acid is more stable than M-PEG-SCM. JenKem Technology offers Methoxy PEG Acetic Acid with MW 5000 (M-CM-5000), MW 10000 (M-CM-10K) and MW 20000 (M-CM-20K), in 1g and 10g packing sizes.

Different MW of Methoxy PEG Acetic Acid products may be available by custom synthesis, please email us at tech@jenkemusa.com for details on custom PEGs. JenKem Technology provides repackaging services for an additional fee, please contact us if you require a different package size than our catalog selection.

Bulk PEGs and GMP grade PEGs are made-to-order. Please contact us for bulk pricing.

Click here to download the MSDS

Note: Starting July 2016, Methoxy PEG Acetic Acid is the new name of the product Methoxy PEG Carboxyl (MW 5000 (M-COOH-5000), MW 10000 (M-COOH-10K) and MW 20000 (M-COOH-20K)). JenKem Technology has revised the name of the product to better reflect the chemical structure, as many other PEG derivatives with a COOH group are offered in our catalog.


  1. Liu, Y., et al., Cathodic protected Mn2+ by NaxWO3 nanorods for stable magnetic resonance imaging-guided tumor photothermal therapy, Biomaterials, 2020, V. 234.
  2. Javanmardi, S., et al., Redox-Sensitive, PEG-Shielded Carboxymethyl PEI Nanogels Silencing MicroRNA-21, Sensitizes Resistant Ovarian Cancer Cells to Cisplatin, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018.
  3. Lassenberger, A., et al., Individually stabilized, superparamagnetic nanoparticles with controlled shell and size leading to exceptional stealth properties and high relaxivities. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017.
  4. Dai, L., et al., Self-assembled PEG–carboxymethylcellulose nanoparticles/α-cyclodextrin hydrogels for injectable and thermosensitive drug delivery. RSC Advances, 2017, 7(5):2905-12.
  5. Zhao, L., et al., An intraocular drug delivery system using targeted nanocarriers attenuates retinal ganglion cell degeneration. Journal of Controlled Release, 2017.
  6. Jones, S.K., et al., Revisiting the value of competition assays in folate receptor-mediated drug delivery, Biomaterials, 2017.
  7. Gal, N., et al., Interaction of size-tailored PEGylated iron oxide nanoparticles with lipid membranes and cells. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 2017, 3(3):249-59.
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  10. Farvadi, F., et al., Polyionic complex of single-walled carbon nanotubes and PEG-grafted-hyperbranched polyethyleneimine (PEG-PEI-SWNT) for an improved doxorubicin loading and delivery: development and in vitro characterization. Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology, 2016, 1-9.
  11. Li, Y., et al., A graphene quantum dot (GQD) nanosystem with redox-triggered cleavable PEG shell facilitating selective activation of the photosensitiser for photodynamic therapy, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 6516-6522.
  12. Jones, S.K, et al., Folate Receptor Targeted Delivery of siRNA and Paclitaxel to Ovarian Cancer Cells via Folate Conjugated Triblock Copolymer to Overcome TLR4 Driven Chemotherapy Resistance, Biomacromolecules, 2016, 17 (1), 76-87.
  13. Chaudhary, R., et al., Engineered atherosclerosis-specific zinc ferrite nanocomplex-based MRI contrast agents. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2016, 14(1):1-7.
  14. Abolmaali, S.S., et al., Chemically crosslinked nanogels of PEGylated poly ethyleneimine (l-histidine substituted) synthesized via metal ion coordinated self-assembly for delivery of methotrexate: Cytocompatibility, cellular delivery and antitumor activity in resistant cells. Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, C, 62, pp.897-907.
  15. Brinkman, A.M., et al., Aminoflavone-loaded EGFR-targeted unimolecular micelle nanoparticles exhibit anti-cancer effects in triple negative breast cancer. Biomaterials, 2016, 101:20-31.
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  17. Najafi, H., et al., Serum resistant and enhanced transfection of plasmid DNA by PEG-stabilized polyplex nanoparticles of L-histidine substituted polyethyleneimine, Macromolecular Research, 2015, 23:7, p. 618-627.
  18. Saraswathy, M., et al., Multifunctional drug nanocarriers formed by cRGD-conjugated βCD-PAMAM-PEG for targeted cancer therapy, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2015, 126, p. 590-597.
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Founded in 2001 by experts in PEG synthesis and PEGylation, JenKem Technology specializes exclusively in the development and manufacturing of high quality polyethylene glycol (PEG) products and derivatives, and related custom synthesis and PEGylation services. JenKem Technology is ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certified, and adheres to ICH Q7A guidelines for GMP manufacture. The production of JenKem® PEGs is back-integrated to in-house polymerization directly from ethylene oxide, enabling facile traceability for regulated customers. JenKem Technology caters to the PEGylation needs of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and diagnostics, and emerging chemical specialty markets, from laboratory scale through large commercial scale.

JenKem用于胺聚乙二醇化的活化PEGJenKem Technology生产具有NHS和羧基官能度,高纯度和低多分散性的用于胺PEG化的高质量活化PEG。在结构上,JenKem Technology提供胺反应性线性PEG,Y形PEG,U形PEG,多臂PEG和单分散PEG。JenKem Technology专有的Y形支化PEG衍生物的空间庞大结构,由两个连接在具有活性NHS基团的中心核上的线性甲氧基PEG链组成,可能有助于减少蛋白质分子的附着位点数量。具有稳定连接子的PEG NHS酯:MPEG-SCM,MPEG-SPA,MPEG-SBA,MPEG-SHA,MPEG-SGA,MPEG-SSA,SCM-PEG-SCM,Y-PEG-NHS,MPEG2-LYS-PEG-NHS ,GLUC-PEG-NHS,GALA-PEG-NHS带有碳酸酯连接基的PEG产品:MPEG-SC,MPEG-NPC具有可裂解NHS酯连接基的可降解PEG:MPEG-SS,SS-PEG-SS和MPEG-SGPEG羧基:Y-PEG-COOH,MPEG-CM,MPEG-PA,MPEG5-PA,MPEG6-PA,MPEG-BA,MPEG-HA –比NHS PEG稳定。使用JenKem®Y-PEG-NHS进行蛋白质PEG化的示意图分子量,支链和官能团未在我们的在线目录中列出的胺PEG化产品可通过定制合成以及PEG化服务获得。JenKem Technology通过定制合成提供GMP级PEG衍生物和批量订单,从而有机会满足客户的特殊质量要求。根据ICH Q7A准则,JenKem Technology能够根据ISO 9001和ISO 13485认证的质量管理体系,以200g至40kg或更大的批次开发和合成各种GMP PEG衍生物。2020年,JenKem Technology将过渡为使用  高纯度(> 99%)mPEG  原料生产GMP级甲氧基PEG衍生物。